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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Collections Science and Engineering

Science and Engineering Collection

UB Zernike

The Science and Engineering collection contains information on astronomy, biology, electrical engineering, computing science, materials science, environmental science, physics, chemistry, engineering and mathematics.

Most printed books and journals in this collection have recently been moved to the closed stacks of the University Library. Compulsory literature is still on location, also is the special collection of the Dutch Ornithological Union.

The collection consists of:

  • Books, journals and reference works
    Online or printed. The call numbers show where the publications can be found.
  • Theses
    Bachelor's and Master's theses are offered online and are only accessible to UG students and staff.
  • Digital sources
    The UG network allows for online access to several files. A selection of important files for Mathematics and Natural Sciences can be found in Library Guides (Science).
  • Dutch Ornithological Union (NOU, Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie)
    The Library manages the special book collection of the Dutch Ornithological Union.
Where can I find the publication I am looking for?

SmartCat shows all publications held by the University Library. Online publications are immediately accessible within the University; printed material can be ordered through SmartCat.

Compulsory literature

The compulsory and recommended course literature is purchased based on the information in Ocasys. Therefore, teachers do do not need to submit a separate request for these.

For questions about Ocasys, please contact your secretariat or the Ocasys coordinator.


The UB is very reluctant to purchase e-textbooks for use in education. The prices of e-textbooks are very high compared to other e-books and printed books and usage options are limited. In addition, it is often only suitable for a small group and for a limited duration.

Collection specialists provide support in finding readily usable alternatives to e-books available in our collections or in open access. Would you like to prescribe an e-book for your class? Please contact one of the collection specialists. They can inform you about the possibilities.

Other publications

Would you like to recommend a any other publication for inclusion in the library's collection? If so, please use the acquisition suggestion form.

Where can I find the publication I am looking for?

SmartCat shows all publications held by the University Library. Online publications are immediately accessible, printed material can be found on the open shelves or ordered through SmartCat.

Last modified:16 January 2025 09.12 a.m.
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