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Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Header image Centre of Expertise CEnBER

SEMINAR Monitoring energy behaviour of firms and consumers - 3 November 2016

Datum:18 oktober 2016

In the Autumn 2016 CEER Seminar two research projects will be introduced.

1. Thijs Broekhuizen, Florian Noseleit and Killian McCarthy, from the FEB's Innovation & Organisation Research Group, will introduce their plans for an 'Sustainability Transition Monitor'. The 'Sustainability Transition Monitor' will monitor, through annual surveys, the ways in which energy consumers in the Netherlands deal with the topic of energy use and consumption, and how their approaches change over time.

2. Thijs Bouwman and Linda Steg, from the Department of Social Psychology, and Anne Beaulieu from the Energy Academy, will introduce the EnergySense research project, which seeks to understand energy usage patterns, using consumption and usage data on 10,000 Dutch households in the North of the Netherlands. Thijs Bouwman, from the Department of Social Psychology, will present a first paper on the topic.

Location: 5412.0035. Time: 13-15h