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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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AJSPH 1 year old!

Can you believe it? We are celebrating our first birthday!

Datum:15 maart 2019

One year ago today the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health officially opened! Looking back on the first year we are happy to see we achieved many things and hit many milestones. Before we get back to our goals for the new year we would like to share...

Venezuelan crisis

News Release: Venezuelan crisis could cause public health emergency in South America

Datum:22 februari 2019

Today the second paper on the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, from a group of international scientists, including UMCG researcher Adriana Tami, was published in Lancet Infectious Diseases. The paper is about the political crisis and declining oil...

Dimitris Ballas

Keynote Junior Research Meet-up: Dimitris Ballas - ‘The Economic Geography of Happiness’

Datum:20 februari 2019

Dimitris Ballas is a professor of Economic Geography at the faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. Professor Ballas has published widely in the fields of social and economic geography, social and spatial inequalities, regional science and...

Eva Corpeleijn

Keynote Junior Research Meet-up: Eva Corpeleijn - ‘Lifestyle in medicine, from dream to reality’

Datum:13 februari 2019

Eva Corpeleijn is an associate professor at the department of Epidemiology, University Medical Center Groningen where she leads the research unit ‘Lifestyle Medicine in Obesity and Diabetes’. A key question in her work is why and how lifestyle affects...

Outbreak of measles and diphtheria in Venezuala

Venezuelan crisis causes outbreak  of vaccine-preventable diseases measles and diphtheria

Datum:31 januari 2019

A political crisis and declining oil revenues in Venezuala is causing a resurgence of infectious diseases measles and diphtheria and other deadly, vaccine-preventable diseases. A group of international scientists, including UMCG researcher Adriana Tami,...

Aletta in 2019

Aletta in 2019

Datum:29 januari 2019

At the end of 2018, Aletta got great feedback from the Deans of the University of Groningen. They were positively impressed by our progress so far and mentioned that Aletta should serve as an example for the organisation of other societal themes within the...


Large-scale research to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use

Datum:24 januari 2019

Antimicrobial resistance is a global multifacet phenomenon and is seen as one of the most serious global public health threats in this century. Urgent action is needed to stop the development of antimicrobial resistance. VALUE-Dx, a research project that...

Voedingswetenschap en geneeskunde zijn een ‘dreamteam’

"We zitten op een goudmijn, die een belangrijke brug kan slaan tussen wetenschap en praktijk"

Datum:18 januari 2019

De voedingswetenschap en de geneeskunde staan voor een gemeenschappelijke uitdaging: het terugdringen van voedingsgerelateerde ziektelast. Gerjan Navis, internist-nefroloog in het UMCG, hoogleraar Voeding in de Geneeskunde aan Rijksuniversiteit Groningen...


Public Health proefschriftprijs

Datum:17 januari 2019

Op het NCVGZ 2019 wordt wederom de Public Health proefschriftprijs toegekend aan een beginnend onderzoeker die zich op bijzondere wijze verdienstelijk heeft gemaakt bij de wetenschappelijke bestudering van een maatschappelijk probleem, waardoor een...

Kim Knibbe and Jochen Mierau

Jochen Mierau about the opening of the Centre for Religion, Health and Wellbeing

Datum:30 november 2018

Written by Jochen Mierau, Scientific Director of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health.