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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Large-scale research to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use

Datum:24 januari 2019

Antimicrobial resistance is a global multifacet phenomenon and is seen as one of the most serious global public health threats in this century. Urgent action is needed to stop the development of antimicrobial resistance. VALUE-Dx, a research project that aims to reduce antibiotic use and subsequent antibiotic resistance, has received a 7 million grant from the Innovative Medicines Initiative, of which 500K goes to the UMCG where Maarten Postma, Alex Friedrich, Jochen Mierau and Simon van der Pol are involved as researchers.

According to the VALUE-Dx proposal a more personalised approach to antibiotic prescribing is needed to preserve the effectiveness of these ‘wonder drugs’.  An approach that better targets antibiotics to those individuals who are likely to benefit, and directs alternative, non-antibiotic treatments to those who are unlikely to benefit, is now a matter of considerable urgency. 

The ambition of VALUE-Dx is to transform clinical and diagnostic practice, improve patient outcomes and combat AMR by optimising antibiotic use in Europe by the use of integral value-based diagnostics. One of the expected outcomes of the research is the impact on the reduction of antibiotic use and AMR resulting in improved patient care through better routine use of diagnostics.   

Within the project, Mierau will cover de Economics part and the link with the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health. Friedrich will focus on microbiology, van der Pol is the PhD student and Postma is the overall work package leader, covering Health Economics. According to Postma, this project is different from other antimicrobial resistance projects: “In primary healthcare little or no testing is done on microbes, this project must demonstrate the value of doing this for health, costs and prevention of resistance.”

On 1 April the kick-off of the project will take place in Madrid. 

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