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Digital Roadmapping Purpose, Phases, and Perspectives

Datum:15 november 2021
Digital roadmapping
Digital roadmapping

Thijs Broekhuizen and David Langley

Introduction video

Developing digital roadmaps help managers to explore and determine the direction of digital transformation for their organizations. The act of developing a systematic digital roadmap fosters an understanding of the purpose of digitalization, how to attain digital skills and resources needed to attain the digital transformation goals, and drives organizational change in a coordinated and effective way. Digital transformation is a risky and uncertain journey, full of unexpected events, where important decisions rely on imperfect information.

Although planning may seem ineffective in such uncertain and highly volatile settings, we argue that digital roadmapping can be an important first step for success. While the desired destination and strategies will differ per firm, carefully developing a roadmap - involving the definition of goals, the exploration of alternative paths, and the implementation and validation of selected digital initiatives - will help organizations to progress in their digital transformation journey in an effective and impactful manner. 

Download the chapter here

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