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Centre for Operational Excellence (COPE)
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Operational Excellence (COPE) Skills and expertise



Asgharieh Ahari, S., Bakir, I., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2024). A New Perspective on carrier collaboration: Collaborative vehicle utilization. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 163, Article 104647.
van Beesten, E. R., Romeijnders, W., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2024). Convex approximations of two-stage risk-averse mixed-integer recourse models. Computational optimization and applications, 88, 313-347.
Chabot, T., Coelho, L. C., Renaud, J., & Roodbergen, K. J. (Accepted/In press). Mathematical models for the warehouse reassignment problem. In R. Manzini, & R. Accorsi (Eds.), Warehousing and material handling systems for the digital industry: The new challenges for the digital circular economy Springer.
Hastürk, U., Schrotenboer, A. H., Ursavas, E., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2024). Stochastic Cyclic Inventory Routing with Supply Uncertainty: A Case in Green-Hydrogen Logistics. Transportation Science, 58(2), 315-339.
Bakir, I., Aerts-Veenstra, M., Roodbergen, K. J., & Ünal, B. (Accepted/In press). Supply chain and logistics in digital transformation. In J. Q. Dong, & P. C. Verhoef (Eds.), A research agenda for digital transformation: Multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 187-223). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Zhang, X., van Donk, D. P., Xiao, C.-Y., & Pullman, M. (2024). Finding the right one: understanding the supplier selection process of social enterprises. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 44(13), 195-228.
Zhang, X., van Donk, D. P., Xiao, C., & Pullman, M. (2024). Heterogeneity of Value Creation Processes: A Taxonomy of Social Enterprise Business Models. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. Advance online publication.
Longoni, A., Luzzini, D., Pullman, M., Seuring, S., & van Donk, D. P. (2024). Social enterprises in supply chains: driving systemic change through social impact. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 44(10), 1814-1830.
Chai, X., Kilic, O. A., Veldman, J., Teunter, R. H., & Zhao, X. (2024). Condition-based reallocation and maintenance for a 1-out-of-2 pairs balanced system. European Journal of Operational Research, 318(2), 618-628. Advance online publication.
Scarf, P., Syntetos, A., & Teunter, R. (2024). Joint maintenance and spare-parts inventory models: a review and discussion of practical stock-keeping rules. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 35(1), 83-109.
Kayacık, S. E., Schrotenboer, A. H., Ursavas, E., & Vis, I. F. A. (2024). Towards low-carbon power networks: Optimal location and sizing of renewable energy sources and hydrogen storage. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 38, Article 101394.


Scholten, K., van Donk, D. P., Power, D., & Braeuer, S. (2023). Contextualizing resilience to critical infrastructure maintenance supply networks. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 28(7).
van den Adel, M. J., de Vries, T. A., & van Donk, D. P. (2023). Improving cross-functional teams’ effectiveness during supply chain disruptions: the importance of information scouting and internal integration. Supply Chain Management, 28(4), 773–786.
Olhager, J., & van Donk, D. P. (2023). Managing Customer Order Decoupling Points in Supply Chains. In S. J. (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management Palgrave MacMillan.
Gruner, R. L., & Power, D. (2023). Conceptual wanderlust: How to develop creative supply chain theory with analogies. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 59(4), 3-21.
Cai, Y., Teunter, R., & de Jonge, B. (2023). A data-driven approach for condition-based maintenance optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 311(2), 730-738.
Kasper, A., Land, M., & Teunter, R. (2023). Non-hierarchical work-in-progress control in manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics, 257, Article 108768.
Sun, L., Hua, G., Cheng, T. C. E., Teunter, R. H., Dong, J., & Wang, Y. (2023). Purchase or rent? Optimal pricing for 3D printing capacity sharing platforms. European Journal of Operational Research, 307(3), 1192-1205.
Wang, Y., Pels, E., Teunter, R. H., Sun, L., & Jianhong, W. (2023). Railway liberalization, airport congestion toll, and infrastructure pricing: Modelling and numerical analysis for European and Chinese markets. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 170, Article 103616.
Sun, L., Hua, G., Teunter, R. H., Cheng, T. C. E., & Shen, Z. J. M. (2023). The effects of tokenization on ride-hailing blockchain platforms. Production and Operations Management. Advance online publication.
Kasper, A., Land, M., & Teunter, R. (2023). Towards System State Dispatching in High‐Variety Manufacturing. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 114, Article 102726.
Wouda, N. A., Aslan, A., & Vis, I. F. A. (2023). An adaptive large neighbourhood search metaheuristic for hourly learning activity planning in personalised learning. Computers and Operations Research, 151, Article 106089.


Silva, A., Roodbergen, K. J., Coelho, L., & Darvish, M. (2022). Estimating optimal ABC zone sizes in manual warehouses. International Journal of Production Economics, 252, Article 108579.
Stapelbroek, M., Kilic, O. A., Yang, Y., & Van Donk, D. P. (2024). Eliminating production losses in changeover operations: a case study on a major European food manufacturer. Production Planning and Control, 35(8), 794–807.
Peng, Y., Zhang, X., van Donk, D. P., & Wang, C. (2022). How can suppliers increase their buyers’ CSR engagement: the role of internal and relational factors. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 42(2), 206-229.
Seepma, A., Adel ,van den, M., Scholten, K., van Donk, D. P., & Dittfeld, H. (2022). One size does not fit all: a contingency approach for resilience. Paper presented at EurOMA Conference 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Dittfeld, H., van Donk, D. P., & van Huet, S. (2022). The effect of production system characteristics on resilience capabilities: a multiple case study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42(13), 103-127.
Sierksma, G. (2022). Over P≠NP en een Eeuwige Student. STAtOR, 23(1), 27-29.
Teunter, R. H., & Kuipers, S. (2022). Inventory control with demand substitution: new insights from a two-product Economic Order Quantity analysis. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 113, Article 102712.
Zhang, W., Shi, X., Huang, A., Hua, G., & Teunter, R. H. (2022). Optimal stock and capital reserve policies for emergency medical supplies against epidemic outbreaks. European Journal of Operational Research, 304(1).
van der Laan, N., Teunter, R. H., Romeijnders, W., & Kilic, O. A. (2022). The data-driven newsvendor problem: Achieving on-target service-levels using distributionally robust chance-constrained optimization. International Journal of Production Economics, 249, Article 108509.
de Jong, G. (Ed.), Kleine, I. (Ed.), Talens, B., & Vis, I. (2022). Natuurinclusieve landbouw in het Noorden: Inspiratie, innovatie en daadkracht. Universiteit van het Noorden.
Waschull, S., Bokhorst, J. A. C., Wortmann, J. C., & Molleman, E. (2022). The redesign of blue- and white-collar work triggered by digitalization: collar matters. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 165, Article 107910.


Baardman, L., Roodbergen, K. J., Carlo, H. J., & Schrotenboer, A. H. (2021). A Special Case of the Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem in End-of-Aisle Picking Systems. Transportation Science, 55(5), 1151-1169.
uit het Broek, M., Schrotenboer, A., Jargalsaikhan, B., Roodbergen, K. J., & Callegari Coelho, L. (2021). Asymmetric Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problems: Valid Inequalities and a Branch-and-cut Algorithm. Operations Research, 69(2), 380-409.
van Kalsbeek, R., Broekhuis, M., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2021). Controlling and enabling practices to manage supply in online service triads. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 26(3), 359-370.
Rijal, A., Buijs, P., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2021). Integrating neighborhood delivery services into parcel delivery networks.
de Vries, T. A., van der Vegt, G. S., Scholten, K., & van Donk, D. P. (2022). Heeding Supply Chain Disruption Warnings: When And How Do Cross‐Functional Teams Ensure Firm Robustness? Journal of Supply Chain Management, 58(1), 31-50. Article e12262.
van den Adel, M. J., de Vries, T. A., & van Donk, D. P. (2022). Resilience in interorganizational networks: Dealing with day-to-day disruptions in critical infrastructures. Supply Chain Management, 27(7), 64-78.
Seepma, A., & van Donk, D. P. (2021). Leagility in criminal justice supply chains, reversing the logic. Paper presented at EurOMA Conference 2021.
Kreye, M. E., & van Donk, D. P. (2021). Servitization for consumer products: an empirical exploration of challenges and benefits for supply chain partners. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 41(5), 494-516.
Gruner, R. L., & Power, D. (2021). Analogical reasoning guidelines: a review and application to sustainable supply chains. Supply Chain Management, 26(2), 153-173.
Sterken, E., & Sierksma, G. (2021). Olympische medailleklassementen hebben inderdaad enig nut. STAtOR, 22(4), 55-60.
Sierksma, G., & Talsma, B. (2021). The Dutch Approach in Selecting Olympic Speed Skaters. OR/MS today, 48(2), 48-53.
Uit Het Broek, M. A. J., Teunter, R. H., De Jonge, B., & Veldman, J. (2021). Joint condition-based maintenance and condition-based production optimization. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 214, Article 107743.
Uit Het Broek, M. A. J., Teunter, R. H., Jonge, B. D., & Veldman, J. (2021). Joint condition-based maintenance and load-sharing optimization for two-unit systems with economic dependency. European Journal of Operational Research, 295(3), 1119-1131.
Prak, D., Teunter, R., Babai, M. Z., Boylan, J. E., & Syntetos, A. (2021). Robust compound Poisson parameter estimation for inventory control. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 104, Article 102481.
Neves-Moreira, F., Veldman, J., & Teunter, R. H. (2021). Service operation vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance: Optimal stock levels. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 146, Article 111158.
Hoosbeek, A., & de Vries, J. (2021). Stakeholder influence on teaming and absorptive capacity in innovation networks. Creativity and Innovation Management, 30(3), 632-650.
Spenhoff, P., Wortmann, H., & Semini, M. (2022). EPEC 4.0: an Industry 4.0-supported lean production control concept for the semi-process industry. Production Planning & Control, 33(14), 1337-1354.
Emmanouilidis, C., Waschull, S., Bokhorst, J., & Wortmann, H. (2021). Human in the AI Loop in Production Environments. In A. Dolgui, A. Bernard, D. Lemoine, G. von Cieminski, & D. Romero (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production (pp. 331-342). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 633 IFIP). Springer.


Jargalsaikhan, B., Romeijnders, W., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2021). A compact arc-based ILP formulation for the pickup and delivery problem with divisible pickups and deliveries. Transportation Science, 55(2), 336-352.
van der Heide, G., Roodbergen, K. J., & van Foreest, N. D. (2021). Cross docking for libraries with a depot. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(2), 749-765.
Enthoven, D. L. J. U., Jargalsaikhan, B., Roodbergen, K. J., uit het Broek, M. A. J., & Schrotenboer, A. H. (2020). The two-echelon vehicle routing problem with covering options: City logistics with cargo bikes and parcel lockers. Computers & Operations Research, 118, Article 104919.
Seepma, A., de Blok, C., & van Donk, D. P. (2021). Designing digital public service supply chains: Four country-based cases in criminal justice. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 26(3), 418-446.
Seepma, A., Donk, van, D. P., & de Blok , C. (2021). On publicness theory and its implications for supply chain integration: The case of criminal justice supply chains. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57(3), 72-103.
Dittfeld, H., Scholten, K., & Donk, van, D. P. (2021). Proactively and reactively managing risks through sales & operations planning. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 51(6), 566-584.
Zhang, X., van Donk, D. P., & Jayaram, J. (2020). A multi-theory perspective on enablers of inter-organizational information and communication technology: A comparison of China and the Netherlands. International Journal of Information Management, 54, Article 102191.
Scholten, K., Stevenson, M., & Donk, van, D. P. (2020). Dealing with the unpredictable: supply chain resilience. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 40(1), 1-10.
van Donk, D. P. (2020). Onderzoek naar succesvol samenwerken: Er is een trade-off tussen effectiviteit en coördinatie. NGinfraMagazine, 2, 30-32.
Konsman, M. J., Wijbrandi, W. E., & Huitema, G. B. (2020). Unlocking residential Energy Flexibility on a large scale through a newly standardized interface. In 2020 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2020 Article 9087658 (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT)). IEEE Xplore.
Wolf, J., Overbeck, T., Han, J. .-Y., Hochmair, M., De Marinis, F., Ohashi, K., Smit, E. F., Power, D., Garon, E. B., Groen, H. J. M., Tan, D. S. W., Waldron-Lynch, M., Le Mouhaer, S., Nwana, N., Giovannini, M., & Heist, R. S. (2020). Capmatinib in patients with high-level MET-amplified advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): results from the phase 2 GEOMETRY mono-1 study. Oncology Research and Treatment, 43(SUPPL 4), 150-151.
Sierksma, G. (2020). Buitenspel, meetfouten en millimetergemier. STAtOR, 21(1), 35-37.
uit het Broek, M. A. J., Teunter, R. H., de Jonge, B., Veldman, J., & Van Foreest, N. D. (2020). Condition-Based Production Planning: Adjusting Production Rates to Balance Output and Failure Risk. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22(4), 792-811.
Wu, M., Zhu, S. X., & Teunter, R. H. (2020). Corrigendum to “A risk-averse competitive newsvendor problem under the CVaR criterion” [Int. J. Prod. Econ. 156 (2014) 13–23]. International Journal of Production Economics, 220, Article 107305.
Wang, Y., Sun, L., Teunter, R. H., Wu, J., & Hua, G. (2020). Effects of introducing low-cost high-speed rail on air-rail competition: Modelling and numerical analysis for Paris-Marseille. Transport Policy, 99, 145-162.
Sun, L., Teunter, R. H., Hua, G., & Wu, T. (2020). Taxi-hailing platforms: Inform or Assign drivers? Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological, 142, 197-212.
Aslan, A., Bakir, I., & Vis, I. F. A. (2020). A dynamic thompson sampling hyper-heuristic framework for learning activity planning in personalized learning. European Journal of Operational Research, 286(2), 673-688.
Schrotenboer, A., Ursavas, E., & Vis, I. (2020). Mixed Integer Programming models for planning maintenance at offshore wind farms under uncertainty. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies, 112, 180-202.
Heide, van der, L., Callegari Coelho, L., Vis, I., & van Anholt, R. G. (2020). Replenishment and denomination mix of automated teller machines with dynamic forecast demands. Computers & Operations Research, 114, Article 104828.
Vries, de, J. (2020). Identifying inventory project management conflicts: Results of an empirical study. International Journal of Production Economics, 226, Article 107620.
Tufford, A. R., Calder, P. C., Van't Veer, P., Feskens, E. F., Ockhuizen, T., Kraneveld, A. D., Sikkema, J., & de Vries, J. (2020). Is nutrition science ready for the twenty-first century? Moving towards transdisciplinary impacts in a changing world. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(Suppl 1), 1-10.
Tinga, T., Wubben, F., Tiddens, W., Wortmann, H., & Gaalman, G. (2021). Dynamic maintenance based on functional usage profiles. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 27(1), 21-42.
Wortmann, H., & Jagdev, H. (2020). 40 years computers-in-industry: Applied interdisciplinary research. Computers in Industry, 123, Article 103315.
Bonvanie, A., Broekhuis, M., Janssen, O., Maeckelberghe, E., & Wortmann, H. (2020). Health Self-Management Applications in the Work Environment: The Effects on Employee Autonomy. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2, Article 9.
Waschull, S., Wortmann, J. C., & Bokhorst, J. A. C. (2020). The Transformation Towards Smart (er) Factories: Integration Requirements of the Digital Twin. In B. Lalic, U. Marjanovic, V. Majstorovic, G. von Cieminski, & D. Romero (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems - IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2020, Proceedings: The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems (pp. 187-194). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 591 IFIP). Springer.


Hornstra, R. P., Silva, A., Roodbergen, K. J., & Coelho, L. C. (2020). The vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery and handling costs. Computers & Operations Research, 115, Article 104858.
Schrotenboer, A. H., Wruck, S., Vis, I. F. A., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2019). Integration of returns and decomposition of customer orders in e-commerce warehouses. arXiv.
Dijkstra, A. S., van der Heide, G., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2019). Transshipment of cross-channel returned products. International Journal of Production Economics, 209(3), 70-77.
van Donk, D., de Vries, T., & van den Adel, M. (2019). Hoe complexer en onbekender de verstoring, hoe meer samenwerking loont. NGinfraMagazine, 8(1), 41-42.
Xiao, C., Wilhelm, M., van der Vaart, T., & van Donk, D. P. (2019). Inside the Buying Firm: Exploring Responses to Paradoxical Tensions in Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 55(1), 3-20.
Ivanovic, N., de Vries, T., van der Vegt, G., & van Donk, D. P. (2019). Matching Collaboration to Disruptions: Relational Event Modeling of Inter-Team Collaboration During Organizational Disruptions. Abstract from European Conference on Social Networks, Zurich, Switzerland.
Donadoni, M., Roden, S., Scholten, K., Stevenson, M., Caniato, F., van Donk, D., & Wieland, A. (2019). The Future of Resilient Supply Chains. In G. A. Zsidisin, & M. Henke (Eds.), Revisiting Supply Chain Risk (pp. 169-186). (Springer Series in Supply Chain Management; Vol. 7). Springer.
Fokkema, J. E., Land, M., Wortmann, J., Callegari Coelho, L., & Huitema, G. B. (2020). A continuous-time supply-driven inventory-constrained routing problem. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 92, Article 102151.
van der Burg, R.-J., Ahaus, K., Wortmann, H., & Huitema, G. B. (2019). Investigating the on-demand service characteristics: an empirical study. Journal of Service Management, 30(6), 739-765.
Kull, T., Wiengarten, F., Power, D., & Shah, P. (2019). Acting as Expected: Global Leadership Preferences and the Pursuit of an Integrated Supply Chain. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 55(3), 24-44.
Simpson, D., Power, D., Riach, K., & Tsarenko, Y. (2019). Consumer motivation for product disposal and its role in acquiring products for reuse. Journal of Operations Management, 65(7), 612-635.
Wu, M., Zhu, S. X., & Teunter, R. H. (2021). Advance Selling and Advertising: A Newsvendor Framework. Decision Sciences, 52(1), 182-215.
Xue, D., Teunter, R., Zhu, S., & Zhou, W. (2021). Entering the high-end market by collecting and remanufacturing a competitor's high-end cores. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 99, Article 102168.
Prak, D., & Teunter, R. (2019). A general method for addressing forecasting uncertainty in inventory models. International Journal of Forecasting, 35(1), 224-238.
Broek, uit het, M., Teunter, R., Jonge, de, B., & Veldman, J. (2019). Joint Condition-based Maintenance and Condition-based Production Optimization. (SOM Research Reports; No. 2019006-OPERA). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Broek, uit het, M., Teunter, R., Jonge, de, B., & Veldman, J. (2019). Joint Condition-based Maintenance and Load-Sharing Optimization for Multi-unit Systems with Economic Dependency. (SOM Research Reports; No. 2019007-OPERA). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Sun, L., Teunter, R. H., Babai, M. Z., & Hua, G. (2019). Optimal pricing for ride-sourcing platforms. European Journal of Operational Research, 278(3), 783-795.
van der Laan, N., Teunter, R. H., Romeijnders, W., & Kilic, O. A. (2019). The Data-driven Newsvendor Problem: Achieving On-target Service Levels. (SOM Research Reports; Vol. 2019003-OPERA). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Lopez Alvarez, J. A., Buijs, P., Kilic, O. A., & Vis, I. F. A. (2020). An inventory control policy for liquefied natural gas as a transportation fuel. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 90, Article 101985.
Schrotenboer, A. H., Ursavas, E., & Vis, I. (2019). A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Pickup and Delivery Problems. Transportation Science, 53(4), 1001-1022.
Schrotenboer, A., Ursavas, E., & Vis, I. (2019). Mixed Integer Programming models for planning maintenance at offshore wind farms under uncertainty. (Optimization Online). Optimzation online.
Vries, de, J., & Hoosbeek, A. (2019). Teaming in Industry 4.0 Innovation networks (Awarded with the Mariano Corso Best Practical Implications Award 2019). Paper presented at 20th International CINet Conference on Continuous Innovation, Odense, Denmark.
Waschull, S., Bokhorst, J. A. C., Molleman, E., & Wortmann, J. C. (2020). Work design in future industrial production: Transforming towards cyber-physical systems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 139, Article 105679.
Waschull, S., Wortmann, J. C., & Bokhorst, J. A. C. (2019). Identifying the Role of Manufacturing Execution Systems in the IS Landscape: A Convergence of Multiple Types of Application Functionalities. In F. Ameri, K. E. Stecke, G. von Cieminski, & D. Kiritsis (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart Production Management Systems: IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2019 (pp. 502-510). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 567). Springer.


Veenstra, M., Roodbergen, K. J., Coelho, L. C., & Zhu, S. X. (2018). A simultaneous facility location and vehicle routing problem arising in health care logistics in the Netherlands. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(2), 703-715.
Schrotenboer, A. H., Uit het Broek, M. A. J., Jargalsaikhan, B., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2018). Coordinating technician allocation and maintenance routing for offshore wind farms. Computers & Operations Research, 98, 185-197.
van der Heide, G., Buijs, P., Roodbergen, K. J., & Vis, I. F. A. (2018). Dynamic shipments of inventories in shared warehouse and transportation networks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 118, 240-257.
Fazi, S., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2018). Effects of demurrage and detention regimes on dry-port-based inland container transport. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies, 89, 1-18.
Dittfeld, H., Scholten, K., & van Donk, D. (2018). Burden or blessing in disguise: Interactions in supply chain complexity. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(2), 314-332.
van den Adel, M., van Donk, D., & Scholten, K. (2018). Shared sorrow is half a sorrow: The role of social capital in building resilient supply chains. In K. J. Engemann (Ed.), Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Security in Business (pp. 364-380). Routledge.
van Donk, D. (2018). Supply Chain Networks. In R. Alhajj, & J. Rokne (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2018 ed., pp. 2098-2102). Springer.
Xiao, C., Wang, Q., van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2018). When are stakeholder pressures effective? An extension of slack resources theory. International Journal of Production Economics, 199, 138-149.
Xiao, C., Wang, Q., van der Vaart, T., & van Donk, D. P. (2018). When Does Corporate Sustainability Performance Pay off? The Impact of Country-Level Sustainability Performance. Ecological Economics, 146, 325-333.
D'Souza, A., Bouw, K., Velthuijsen, H., Huitema, G. B., & Wortmann, J. C. (2018). Designing viable multi-commodity energy business ecosystems: Corroborating the business model design framework for viability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 124-138.
Gruner, R. L., & Power, D. (2018). To integrate or not to integrate? Understanding B2B social media communications. Online Information Review, 42(1), 73-92.
Sierksma, G. (2018). Statistiek van de sanseveria. STAtOR, 4, 39-40.
Wu, M., Teunter, R. H., & Zhu, S. X. (2019). Online marketing: When to offer a refund for advanced sales. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(3), 471-491.
van Foreest, N. D., Teunter, R. H., & Syntetos, A. A. (2018). Base-stock policies with reservations. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 81, 48-56.
Prak, D., Teunter, R. H., Babai, M. Z., Syntetos, A. A., & Boylan, J. E. (2018). Forecasting and Inventory Control with Compound Poisson Demand Using Periodic Demand Data. (SOM Research Reports; Vol. 2018, No. 010). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Teunter, R. H., Babai, M. Z., Bokhorst, J. A. C., & Syntetos, A. A. (2018). Revisiting the value of information sharing in two-stage supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(3), 1044-1052.
Wortmann, J. H., & Jagdev, H. S. (2018). Editorial from Hans Wortmann. Computers in Industry, 95, 113-114.
Waschull, S., Wortmann, J., & Bokhorst, J. (2018). Manufacturing Execution Systems: The Next Level of Automated Control or of Shop-Floor Support? In I. Moon, G. Lee, J. Park, & D. Kiritsis (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0: IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2018, Seoul, Korea, August 26-30, 2018, Proceedings. Part II (pp. 386-393). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 536). Springer.


van der Heide, G., van Foreest, N., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2018). Optimizing stock levels for rental systems with a support warehouse and partial backordering. European Journal of Operational Research, 265(1), 107-118.
Vis, I. F. A., Carlo, H. J., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2017). Container terminal operations: An overview. In H. Geerlings, B. Kuipers, & R. Zuidwijk (Eds.), Ports and Networks: Strategies, Operations and Perspectives (1 ed., pp. 219-235). Routledge.
Dijkstra, A., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2017). Exact route-length formulas and a storage location assignment heuristic for picker-to-parts warehouses. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 102, 38-59.
Larco, J. A., De Koster, R., Roodbergen, K. J., & Dul, J. (2017). Managing warehouse efficiency and worker discomfort through enhanced storage assignment decisions. International Journal of Production Research, 55(21), 6407-6422.
van der Heide, G., Roodbergen, K. J., & van Foreest, N. (2017). Redistributing Stock in Library Systems with a Depot. Computers & Operations Research, 83, 66-77.
Veenstra, M., Roodbergen, K. J., Vis, I. F. A., & Coelho, L. (2017). The pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with handling costs. European Journal of Operational Research, 257(1), 118-132.
ten Kate, J., Teunter, R., Kusumastuti, R. D., & van Donk, D. P. (2017). Bio-diesel production using mobile processing units: a case in Indonesia. Agricultural Systems, 152, 121-130.
Seepma, A., de Blok, C., & van Donk, D. (2017). Service delivery system design in public services: four cases of digital transformation in criminal justice. Paper presented at EurOMA , Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
MacDougall, P., Ran, B., Huitema, G. B., & Deconinck, G. (2017). Performance Assessment of Black Box Capacity Forecasting for Multi-Market Trade Application. Energies, 10(10), Article 1673.
Wu, J., Yan, J., Desideri, U., Deconinck, G., Madsen, H., Huitema, G., & Kolb, T. (2017). Synergies between energy supply networks. Applied Energy, 192, 263-267.
Gruner, R. L., & Power, D. (2017). Mimicking natural ecosystems to develop sustainable supply chains: A theory of socio-ecological intergradation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 149, 251-264.
Power, D., & Gruner, R. L. (2017). Variable use of standards-based IOS enabling technologies in Australian SMEs: an examination of deliberate and emergent decision making processes. European Journal of Information Systems, 26(2), 164-184.
Gruner, R. L., & Power, D. (2017). What's in a crowd? Exploring crowdsourced versus traditional customer participation in the innovation process. Journal of Marketing Management, 33(13-14), 1060-1092.
Sierksma, G. (2017). Bhaiparthait en Pyeongchang: Olympische Schaatsstatistiek. STAtOR, 18(4), 32-33.
Sierksma, G. (2017). Cutting stokbrood. STAtOR, 18(3), 32-33.
Sierksma, G. (2017). Introduction: Olympics, Track & Field, part II. In J. J. Cochran, J. Bennett, & J. Albert (Eds.), The Oxford Anthology of Statistics in Sport: Volume 1: 2000-2004 (pp. 73-76). (Oxford Series On Science In Sports). Oxford University Press.
Olde Keizer, M. C. A., Teunter, R. H., Veldman, J., & Babai, M. Z. (2018). Condition-based maintenance for systems with economic dependence and load sharing. International Journal of Production Economics, 195, 319-327.
Olde Keizer, M. C. A., Teunter, R., & Veldman, J. (2017). Condition-based maintenance for a system with redundancy and load sharing. In L. Walls, M. Revie, & T. Bedford (Eds.), Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice (pp. 1121-1128). CRC Press.
Olde Keizer, M. C. A., Flapper, S. D. P., & Teunter, R. H. (2017). Condition-based maintenance policies for systems with multiple dependent components: A review. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(2), 405-420.
Beemsterboer, B., Land, M., & Teunter, R. (2017). Flexible lot sizing in hybrid make-to-order/make-to-stock production planning. European Journal of Operational Research, 260(3), 1014-1023.
Laengle, S., Merigo, J. M., Miranda, J., Slowinski, R., Bomze, I., Borgonovo, E., Dyson, R. G., Oliveira, J. F., & Teunter, R. (2017). Forty years of the European Journal of Operational Research: A bibliometric overview. European Journal of Operational Research, 262(3), 803-816.
Beemsterboer, B., Land, M., Teunter, R., & Bokhorst, J. (2017). Integrating make-to-order and make-to-stock in job shop control. International Journal of Production Economics, 185, 1-10.
Beemsterboer, B., Land, M., Teunter, R., & Bokhorst, J. (2017). Integrating make-to-order and make-to-stock in job shop control (Reprint of International Journal of Production Economics 185, pp 1-10). International Journal of Production Economics, 194, 3-12.
Olde Keizer, M. C. A., Teunter, R. H., & Veldman, J. (2017). Joint condition-based maintenance and inventory optimization for systems with multiple components. European Journal of Operational Research, 257(1), 209-222.
Prak, D., Teunter, R., & Syntetos, A. A. (2017). On the calculation of safety stocks when demand is forecasted. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(2), 454-461.
Teunter, R. H., Syntetos, A. A., & Babai, M. Z. (2017). Stock keeping unit fill rate specification. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(3), 917-925.
de Jonge, B., Teunter, R., & Tinga, T. (2017). The influence of practical factors on the benefits of condition-based maintenance over time-based maintenance. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 158, 21-30.
Prak, D., Saccani, N., Syntetos, A. A., Teunter, R., & Visintin, F. (2017). The Repair Kit Problem with positive replenishment lead times and fixed ordering costs. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(3), 893-902.
Post, R. M., Buijs, P., uit het Broek, M. A. J., Lopez Alvarez, J. A., Szirbik, N. B., & Vis, I. F. A. (2018). A solution approach for deriving alternative fuel station infrastructure requirements. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 30(3), 592-607.
Fokkema, J. E., Buijs, P., & Vis, I. F. A. (2017). An investment appraisal method to compare LNG-fueled and conventional vessels. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment, 56, 229-240.
Buijs, P., & Vis, I. (2017). De rol van logistiek voor een duurzame en efficiënte LNG distributieketen: Eindverslag Dinalog R&D project Design of LNG Networks. University of Groningen.
Wruck, S., Vis, I. F. A., & Boter, J. (2017). Risk control for staff planning in e-commerce warehouses. International Journal of Production Research, 55(21), 6453-6469.
de Koster, R., Gue, K., & Vis, I. F. A. (2017). Special Issue of Transportation Science on Facility Logistics. Transportation Science, 51(1), 1-2.
Vries, de, J. (2017). Operations Management in een Antilliaanse context: Over plannen en organiseren.
Waschull, S., Bokhorst, J. A. C., & Wortmann, J. C. (2017). Impact of Technology on Work: Technical Functionalities that Give Rise to New Job Designs in Industry 4.0. In H. Lödding, R. Riedel, K.-D. Thoben, G. Von Cieminski, & D. Kiritsis (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: The path to intelligent, collaborative and sustainable manufacturing (pp. 274-281). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 513). Springer.
Wortmann, J., & Mulder, W. (2017). Reflections on Identity Management in Smart Industry: The Paradox of Theseus’ Ship and Beyond . In I. Nääs, O. Vendrametto, & J. Mendes (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Initiatives for a Sustainable World: IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2016, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, September 3-7, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 299-306). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology). Springer.


Schrotenboer, A. H., Wruck, S., Roodbergen, K. J., Veenstra, M., & Dijkstra, A. (2017). Order picker routing with product returns and interaction delays. International Journal of Production Research, 55(21), 6394-6406.
Buijs, P., Lopez Alvarez, J. A., Veenstra, M., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2016). Improved Collaborative Transport Planning at Dutch Logistics Service Provider Fritom. Interfaces, 46(2), 119-132.
Scholten, K., Ward, B., & van Donk, D. P. (2017). Lean Public Water Supply. In T. H. Netland, & D. J. Powell (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Lean Management (pp. 368-377). (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting). Routledge.
van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2016). A critical review of surveys in supply chain integration research. In K. Pawar, H. Rogers, A. Potter, & M. Naim (Eds.), Developments in logistics and supply chain management: Past, present and future (pp. 38-51). Palgrave MacMillan.
Seepma, A., de Blok, S., & van Donk, D. (2016). Aligned or misaligned: interactions in complex public service networks. In Proceedings of the 22nd EurOMA Conference
de Blok, C., van Donk, D., Seepma, A., & Roukema, I. (2016). Applying supply chain logic to criminal law enforcement: the case of The Netherlands. In Z. J. Radnor, N. Bateman, A. Esain, M. Kumar, S. J. Williams, & D. M. Upton (Eds.), Public service operations management: a research handbook (pp. 367-389). Routledge.
van Donk, D., Sancha Fernandez, C., & Scholten, K. (2016). Building resilient supply chains: the role of supply chain integration. In Proceedings of the 22nd EurOMA Conference
Kusumastuti, R. D., van Donk, D. P., & Teunter, R. (2016). Crop-related harvesting and processing planning: A review. International Journal of Production Economics, 174, 76-92.
Drupsteen, J., van der Vaart, T., & van Donk, D. (2016). Operational antecedents of integrated patient planning in hospitals. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36(8), 879-900.
van Donk, D. (2016). Supply chain networks. In Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (December ed., pp. 1-5). Springer.
Dittfeld, H., Scholten, K., & van Donk, D. (2016). Supply Chain resilience and formalized planning processes: Mutually supportive or contradictory? In Proceedings EurOMA Conference
Zhang, X., Van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2016). The different impact of inter-organizational and intra-organizational ICT on supply chain performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36(7), 803-824.
Donadoni, M., Roden, S., Scholten, K., Stevenson, M., Blome, C., Caniato, F., Jüttner, U., Krumme, K., van Donk, D., & Wieland, A. (2016). The future of resilient supply chains: a Delphi study. In Proceedings of the EurOMA Conference
van Donk, D. P., & van Doorne, R. (2016). The impact of the customer order decoupling point on type and level of supply chain integration. International Journal of Production Research, 54(9), 2572-2584.
MacDougall, P., Ran, B., Huitema, G. B., & Deconinck, G. (2016). Predictive control for multi-market trade of aggregated demand response using a black box approach. In ISGT Europe 2016 - IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe Article 7856308 (IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe). IEEE Computer Society.
Mathews, L., Power, D., Touboulic, A., & Marques, L. (2016). Building Bridges: Toward Alternative Theory of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 52(1), 82-94.
Prosman, E.-J., Scholten, K., & Power, D. (2016). Dealing with defaulting suppliers using behavioral based governance methods: an agency theory perspective. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 21(4), 499-511.
Kuper, G. H., Sierksma, G., & Spieksma, F. (2016). Tennisselectie Olympische Spelen Rio 2016: Rankings als basis voor selectieprocedures. STAtOR, 17(2), 7-12.
Sierksma, G., Talsma, B., & Turkensteen, M. (2016). The growing problem of comparing elite sport performances: The speed skating case. S892-S907. Paper presented at 11th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport, Alicante, Spain.
Olde Keizer, M. C. A., Teunter, R. H., & Veldman, J. (2016). Clustering condition-based maintenance for systems with redundancy and economic dependencies. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(2), 531-540.
Dube, N., van der Vaart, T., Teunter, R. H., & Van Wassenhove, L. N. (2016). Host government impact on the logistics performance of international humanitarian organisations. Journal of Operations Management, 47-48(1), 44-57.
Beemsterboer, B., Land, M., & Teunter, R. (2016). Hybrid MTO-MTS production planning: An explorative study. European Journal of Operational Research, 248(2), 453-461.
Syntetos, A. A., Teunter, R. H., Babai, M. Z., & Transchel, S. (2016). On the benefits of delayed ordering. European Journal of Operational Research, 248(3), 963-970.
de Jonge, B., Klingenberg, W., Teunter, R., & Tinga, T. (2016). Reducing costs by clustering maintenance activities for multiple critical units. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 145, 93-103.
Bouma, H. W., & Teunter, R. H. (2016). The routed inventory pooling problem with multiple lateral transshipments. International Journal of Production Research, 54(12), 3523-3533.
Beemsterboer, B., Teunter, R., & Riezebos, J. (2016). Two-product storage-capacitated inventory systems: A technical note. International Journal of Production Economics, 176, 92-97.
van Anholt, R. G., Coelho, L. C., Laporte, G., & Vis, I. F. A. (2016). An Inventory-Routing Problem with Pickups and Deliveries Arising in the Replenishment of Automated Teller Machines. Transportation Science, 50(3), 1077-1091.
Vis, I. F. A., & Ursavas, E. (2016). Assessment approaches to logistics for offshore wind energy installation. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 14, 80-91.
Stevens, L. C. E., & Vis, I. F. A. (2016). Port supply chain integration: analyzing biofuel supply chains. Maritime Policy & Management, 43(3), 261-279.
Veenstra, M., & Vis, I. F. A. (2016). School timetabling problem under disturbances. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 95, 175-186.
Lauche, K., Peters, K., & Wortmann, J. (2016). Excelleren in duurzaam innoveren: Resultaat met duurzame innovatie in productontwikkeling. BIM media bv.
Buijs, P., Danhof, H. W., & Wortmann, J. C. (2016). Just-in-Time Retail Distribution: A Systems Perspective on Cross-Docking. Journal of Business Logistics, 37(3), 213-230.
Hage, M., Wortmann, J., van Offenbeek, M., & Boonstra, A. (2016). The dual impact of online communication on older adults’ social connectivity. Information Technology & People, 29(1), 31-50.


Roodbergen, K. J., & Kolman, I. B. (2016). Order fulfillment and logistics considerations for multichannel retailers. In W. H. M. Zijm, M. Klumpp, V. Clausen, & M. Ten Hompel (Eds.), Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (pp. 183-196). (Lecture Notes in Logistics). Springer.
Roodbergen, K. J., Vis, I. F. A., & Taylor, G. D. (2015). Simultaneous determination of warehouse layout and control policies. International Journal of Production Research, 53(11), 3306-3326.
de Blok, C., Seepma, A., van Donk, D. P., & Roukema, I. (2015). Ervaringen met digitalisering in vier Europese strafrechtketens. Nederlands Juristenblad NJB, 2015(10), Article 2015/498.
Seepma, A., de Blok, S., & van Donk, D. (2015). Justice or efficiency versus justice and efficiency: findings from five European criminal justice chains. In Proceedings of EurOMA conference
de Leeuw, S., van Donk, D. P., & de Koster, R. (Eds.) (2015). Serving the world: Papers from the 19th EurOMA/4th P&OM world conference in Amsterdam. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(11).
Bot, P., van Donk, D. P., Pennink, B., & Simatupang, T. M. (2015). Uncertainties in the Bidirectional Biodiesel Supply Chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 95, 174-183.
Xiao, C., Wang, Q., van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2015). When does corporate social responsibility pay off? the impact of the country-level institutionalization of CSR. 1-10. Paper presented at 2nd International EurOMA sustainable operations and supply chains forum, Barcelona, Spain.
D'Souza, A., Wortmann, H., Huitema, G., & Velthuijsen, H. (2015). A business model design framework for viability: a business ecosystem approach. Journal of Business Models, 3(2), 1-29.
Power, D., Klassen, R., Kull, T., & Simpson, D. (2015). Competitive Goals and Plant Investment in Environment and Safety Practices: Moderating Effect of National Culture. Decision Sciences, 46(1), 63-100.
Power, D., & Gruner, R. (2015). Exploring reduced global standards-based inter-organisational information technology adoption. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(11), 1488-1511.
Sierksma, G., & Zwols, Y. (2015). Linear and integer optimization: Theory and practice. (3 ed.) Taylor & Francis Group.
Olde Keizer, M. C. A., & Teunter, R. H. (2015). Clustering condition-based maintenance for a multi-unit system with aperiodic inspections. In L. Podofillini, B. Sudret, B. Stojadinović, E. Zio, & W. Kröger (Eds.), Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, Zürich, Switzerland, 7-10 September 2015 (pp. 983-991). CRC Press.
de Jonge, B., Klingenberg, W., Teunter, R., & Tinga, T. (2015). Optimum maintenance strategy under uncertainty in the lifetime distribution. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 133, 59-67.
Prak, D., Teunter, R., & Riezebos, J. (2015). Periodic review and continuous ordering. European Journal of Operational Research, 242(3), 820-827.
Dube, N., van der Vaart, T., Teunter, R., & Scholten, K. (2015). Resilience in Humanitarian Supply Chains: Insights from Overlapping Disaster Situations. Paper presented at POMS 26th Annual Conference, Washington, DC, United States.
Thunnissen, S. K., Van De Bunt, L. G., & Vis, I. F. A. (2015). Sustainable fuels for the transport and maritime sector: A blueprint of the LNG distribution network. In H. Zijm, M. Klump, U. Clausen, & M. ten Hompel (Eds.), Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (pp. 85-103). (Lecture Notes in Logistics). Springer International Publishing.
Boonstra, A., & de Vries, J. (2015). Information system conflicts: Causes and types. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 3(4), 5-20.
Maruster, L., & Wortmann, J. (2015). A formal approach to model changeability of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. In Proceedings of the 22nd EurOMA Conference - Neuchatel 27 June - 1 July 2015: Operation Management for Sustainable Competitiveness


Carlo, H. J., Vis, I. F. A., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2014). Storage yard operations in container terminals: Literature overview, trends, and research directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 235(2), 412-430.
Carlo, H. J., Vis, I. F. A., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2014). Transport operations in container terminals: Literature overview, trends, research directions and classification scheme. European Journal of Operational Research, 236(1), 1-13.
de Blok, C., Seepma, A., Roukema, I., & van Donk, D. P. (2014). Applying supply chain logic to criminal law enforcement. In Proceedings 21st EurOMA Conference, Operations management in an innovation economy EurOMA.
van Kampen, T. J., & van Donk, D. P. (2014). Coping with product variety in the food processing industry: The effect of form postponement. International Journal of Production Research, 52(2), 353 - 367.
de Blok, C., Seepma, A., Roukema, I., van Donk, D. P., Keulen, B., & Otte, M. (2014). Digitalisering in strafrechtketens: ervaringen in Denemarken, Engeland, Oostenrijk en Estland vanuit een supply chain perspectief. (SOM Research Reports; Vol. 14032-OPERA). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Kabantsova, M., van Donk, D. P., & Power, D. (2014). Do different governance modes affect buyer-supplier integration: an exploratory investigation. In Proceedings 21st EurOMA Conference, Operations management in an innovation economy EurOMA.
Dittfeld, H., & van Donk, D. P. (2014). Managing supply chain complexity and performance in the food processing industry. In Proceedings 21st EurOMA Conference, Operations management in an innovation economy EurOMA.
van Donk, D. P. (2014). Supply chain networks. In R. Alhajj, & J. Rokne (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining (pp. 2098-2102). Springer.
Xiao, C., van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2014). The difficulties of managing supply base sustainability. In Proceedings of the 21st EurOMA Conference EurOMA.
Xiao, C., van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2014). The difficulties of managing supply chain base sustainability. In Proceedings 21st EurOMA Conference, operations management in an innovation economy EurOMA.
van Kampen, T. J., & van Donk, D. P. (2014). When is it time to revise your SKU classification: Setting and resetting the decoupling point in a dairy company. Production Planning & Control, 25(16), 1338-1350.
Szirbik, N., Huitema, G., van der Burg, R.-J., & Wortmann, J. (2014). Interactive Simulation for Discovering Investment Scenarios in Energy Systems. In A. Ng, & A. Syberfeldt (Eds.), Proceedings of the Industrial Simulation Conference, ISC 2014 (pp. 53-56). EUROSIS.
Power, D. (2014). Competence and capability in quality in the high-tech sector: An international comparison. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(9), 1184-1209.
Prosman, E.-J., Scholten, K., & Power, D. (2014). Dealing with deliberately defaulting suppliers: An Agency Theory perspective.
Power, D., & Byrne, R. (2014). Exploring Agency, Knowledge and Power in an Australian Bulk Cereal Supply Chain: A Case Study. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 19(4), 431-444.
Singh, P. J., & Power, D. (2014). Innovative knowledge sharing, supply chain integration and firm performance of Australian manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Research, 52(21), 6416-6433.
Kuper, G. H., Sierksma, G., & Spieksma, F. (2014). ATP en WTA wereldranglijst als voorspeller van de kans op het bereiken van de kwartfinales in het Olympische Tennistoernooi. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Kuper, G., Sierksma, G., & Spieksma, F. (2014). De wereldranglijst als voorspeller van de kans op het bereiken van de kwartfinales in het Olympische Badmintontoernooi. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Kuper, G., Sierksma, G., & Spieksma, F. (2014). Using tennis rankings to predict performance in upcoming tournaments. (SOM Research Report; Vol. 14034-EEF). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Wu, M., Zhu, S. X., & Teunter, R. H. (2014). A risk-averse competitive newsvendor problem under the CVaR criterion. International Journal of Production Economics, 156, 13-23.
Bulmus, S. C., Zhu, S. X., & Teunter, R. (2014). Competition for cores in remanufacturing. European Journal of Operational Research, 233(1), 105-113.
Veldman, J., Klingenberg, W., Gaalman, G. J. C., & Teunter, R. H. (2014). Getting What You Pay For-Strategic Process Improvement Compensation and Profitability Impact. Production and Operations Management, 23(8), 1387-1400.
Babai, M. Z., Syntetos, A., & Teunter, R. (2014). Intermittent demand forecasting: An empirical study on accuracy and the risk of obsolescence. International Journal of Production Economics, 157(1), 212-219.
Teunter, R. H., Demeter, K., Minner, S., & Ritchie, P. (2014). Introduction: The Economics of Industrial Production. International Journal of Production Economics, 149, 1-2.
Syntetos, A. A., & Teunter, R. H. (2014). On the calculation of safety stocks. (SOM Research Reports; Vol. 14003-OPERA). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Olde Keizer, M. C. A., & Teunter, R. H. (2014). Opportunistic condition-based maintenance and aperiodic inspections for a two-unit series system. (SOM Research Reports; Vol. 14033-OPERA). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Caner Bulmus, S., Zhu, S. X., & Teunter, R. H. (2014). Optimal core acquisition and pricing strategies for hybrid manufacturing and remanufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research, 52(22), 6627-6641.
Prak, D. R. J., Teunter, R., & Riezebos, J. (2014). Periodic review and continuous ordering. (SOM Research Reports; Vol. 14005-OPERA). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Dube, N., van der Vaart, T., & Teunter, R. (2014). The effect of sudden on-set disasters on supply in humanitarian operations - an empirical assessment. In Proceedings of the 21st EurOMA Conference EurOMA.
Bouma, H. W., & Teunter, R. H. (2014). The routed inventory pooling problem with three non-identical retailers. International Journal of Production Economics, 156, 223-234.
Buijs, P., & Vis, I. F. A. (2014). Comparing Industry and Academic Perspectives on Cross-Docking Operations. In J. Smith, K. Ellis, R. de Koster, B. Montreuil, & M. Ogle (Eds.), Progress in Material Handling Research: 2014 (Vol. 2014, pp. 1-13). MHI.
Braaksma, A. J. J., Veldman, J., & Vis, I. F. A. (2014). Service and Life Cycle Management of engineered assets/goods. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 76, 387-389.
Buijs, P., Vis, I. F. A., & Carlo, H. J. (2014). Synchronization in cross-docking networks: A research classification and framework. European Journal of Operational Research, 239(3), 593-608.
Boonstra, A., & de Vries, J. (2014). Towards a framework of enterprise information system conflicts. In J. Varajão, M. Cunha, N. Bjorn-Andersen, R. Turner, D. Wijesekera, R. Martinho, & R. Rijo (Eds.), Procedia Technology: CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCIST 2014 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (Vol. 16, pp. 74-84). Elsevier.
van Beest, N. R. T. P., Kaldeli, E., Bulanov, R., Wortmann, J. C., & Lazovik, A. (2014). Automated runtime repair of business processes. Information Systems, 39, 45-79.
Alblas, A. A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2014). Function-technology platforms improve efficiency in high-tech equipment manufacturing: A case study in complex products and systems (CoPS). International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(4), 447-476.
Wortmann, J., & Peters, K. (2014). Future of ERP: Challenges and Opportunities in the SaaS-era. In B. Grabot , B. Vallespir , S. Gomes , A. Bouras , & D. Kiritsis (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World (pp. 383-390). ( IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 440). Springer.
Alblas, A., Peters, K., & Wortmann, J. (2014). Fuzzy sustainability incentives in new product development: An empirical exploration of sustainability challenges in manufacturing companies. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(4), 513-545.
Meyer, G. G., Buijs, P., Szirbik, N. B., & Wortmann, J. C. (2014). Intelligent products for enhancing the utilization of tracking technology in transportation. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(4), 422-446.
Buijs, P., & Wortmann, J. C. (2014). Joint operational decision-making in collaborative transportation networks: The role of IT. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 19(2), 200-210.
Maeckelberghe, E. L. M., Regts, G., & Wortmann, J. (2014). Telebalancing: ethical questions in telemonitoring aimed at prevention. European Journal of Public Health, 24(suppl_2), 93-94.
de Bakker, K., Boonstra, A., & Wortmann, J. (2014). The communicative effect of risk identification on project success. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 6(1/2), 138-156.


Carlo, H. J., Vis, I. F. A., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2015). Seaside operations in container terminals: literature overview, trends, and research directions. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 27(2-3), 224-262.
Van der Heide, G., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2013). Transshipment and rebalancing policies for library books. European Journal of Operational Research, 228(2), 447-456.
Drupsteen, J., van der Vaart, T., & van Donk, D. P. (2013). Integrative practices in hospitals and their impact on patient flow. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(7), 912-933.
Kilic, O. A., Akkerman, R., van Donk, D. P., & Grunow, M. (2013). Intermediate product selection and blending in the food processing industry. International Journal of Production Research, 51(1), 26-42.
Annevelink, E., Bloemhof, J. M., van Donk, D. P., Dullaert, W., Inghels, D., & van der Laan, E. A. (2013). Logistiek biobased economy: toekomstbeelden 2025 & agenda 2013-2017. (Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research; Vol. 1381). WUR.
Boeding, P. A. M., Bloemhof, J., van Donk, D. P., Dullaert, W., Inghels, D., Laan, E., & Bos, H. (2013). Logistiek voor de biobased economy - toekomstbeelden 2025 en agenda 2013-2017. WUR.
Drupsteen, J., van der Vaart, T., & van Donk, D. P. (2013). Operational antecedents to integration of planning & control in hospitals. In Proceedings 20th EurOMA Conference, operations management in the heart of recovery EurOMA.
Ittoo, A., Szirbik, N., Huitema, G., & Wortmann, J. (2013). Simulation Gaming and Natural Language Processing for Modelling Stakeholder Behavior in Energy Investments. In V. Limére, & E.-H. Aghezzaf (Eds.), Proc. of ICS 2013, the 11th Industrial Simulation Conference (pp. 23-27). EUROSIS.
Huitema, G. (2013). Smart billing - Close the gap. In Proceedings of the European Utility Week, Innovation Technology Program
Huitema, G. (2013). Transparent billing and pricing practices for consumer engagement. In Proceedings of Smart Utilities 2013
Huitema, G. (2013). Where is the money in the M2M space? In Proceedings of the TMForum World 2013
Simpson, D., & Power, D. (2013). Aligning goals and outcomes in sustainable supply chain management. In A. Lindgreen, S. Sankar, F. Maon, & J. Vanhamme (Eds.), Sustainable value chain management: Analyzing, designing, implementing, and monitoring for social and environmental responsibility
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Gruner, R. L., Orazi, D., & Power, D. (2013). Global versus local: An exploration on how vertical farms can lead the way to more sustainable supply chains. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 41(2), 23 - 29.
Gruner, R. L., Power, D., & Bergey, P. (2013). Leveraging social media technology for business transformation: The case of corporate social communities. In T. Bondarouk, & M. Olivas-Lujan (Eds.), Social media and management: Advanced series in management (pp. 27-42). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Nand, A. A., Singh, P. J., & Power, D. (2013). Testing an integrated model of operations capabilities An empirical study of Australian airlines. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(7), 887-911.
Caner Bulmus, S., Zhu, S. X., & Teunter, R. (2013). Capacity and production decisions under a remanufacturing strategy. International Journal of Production Economics, 145(1), 359-370.
Wu, M., Zhu, S. X., & Teunter, R. H. (2013). Newsvendor problem with random shortage cost under a risk criterion. International Journal of Production Economics, 145(2), 790-798.
de Jonge, B., & Teunter, R. H. (2013). Optimizing itineraries in public transportation with walks between rides. Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological, 55, 212-226.
Wu, M., Zhu, S. X., & Teunter, R. H. (2013). The risk-averse newsvendor problem with random capacity. European Journal of Operational Research, 231(2), 328-336.
Wruck, S., Vis, I. F. A., & Boter, J. (2013). Time-restricted batching models and solution approaches for integrated forward and return product flow handling in warehouses. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64(10), 1505-1516.
de Vries, J. (2013). The influence of power and interest on designing inventory management systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 143(2), 233-241.
van Beest, N., Bucur, D., Wortmann, J., & Lazovik, A. (2013). An Automated Analysis Of Process Interference Verified With LTL Checking. University of Groningen, Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science.
Alblas, A. A., Peters, K., & Wortmann, J. (2013). Process Alignment for Sustainable Product Development: The Essential Role of Supplier and Customer Involvement Processes. In V. Prabhu , M. Taisch , & D. Kiritsis (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains (pp. 556-567). ( IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 415). Springer.
Wortmann, J., Alblas, A. A., Buijs, P., & Peters, K. (2013). Supply chain integration for sustainability faces sustaining ICT problems. In V. Prabhu , M. Taisch , & D. Kiritsis (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains (pp. 493-500). ( IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology ; Vol. 415). Springer.
Koochaki, J., Bokhorst, J. A. C., Wortmann, H., & Klingenberg, W. (2013). The influence of condition-based maintenance on workforce planning and maintenance scheduling. International Journal of Production Research, 51(8), 2339-2351.
Wortmann, J., & Thoben, K.-D. (2013). The role of IT for extended products' evolution into product service ecosystems. In C. Emmanouilidis, M. Taisch, & D. Kiritsis (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services (1 ed., pp. 399-406). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 398). Springer.


Roodbergen, K. J. (2012). Storage assignment for order picking in multiple-block warehouses. In R. Manzini (Ed.), Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain: Advanced Models, Tools and Applications for Storage Systems (pp. 139-155). Springer.
Chavez, R., Gimenez, C., van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2012). Customer integration, information sharing and operational performance: A relational view. In Proceedings P&OM 4th worldconference serving the world
Zhang, X., van Donk, D. P., Jayaram, J., & van der Vaart, T. (2012). How does ICT help improve performance? An empirical comparison of social network and transaction cost perspectives. In Proceedings P&OM 4th worldconference serving the world
Bakker, F. P., Böhme, T., & van Donk, D. P. (2012). Identifying barriers to internal supply chain integration using Systems Thinking. In Proceedings P&OM 4th worldconference serving the world
van der Vaart, T., van Donk, D. P., Giménez, C., & Sierra, V. (2012). Modelling the integration-performance relationship: Collaborative practices, enablers and contextual factors. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(9), 1043-1074.
van Kampen, T. J., Akkerman, R., & van Donk, D. P. (2012). SKU classification: A literature review and conceptual framework. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(7), 850-876.
Giménez, C., van der Vaart, T., & van Donk, D. P. (2012). Supply chain integration and performance: The moderating effect of supply complexity. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(5-6), 583-610.
Hoenkamp, R. A., Folmer, E. J. A., & Huitema, G. B. (2012). Applying legal principles to stimulate open standards: The role of forums and consortia. In The 17th EURAS annual standardization conference
Kuehne, R., Huitema, G., & Carle, G. (2012). Charging and billing in modern communications networks: A comprehensive survey of the state of art and future requirements. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 14(1), 170-192.
Hoenkamp, R. A., & Huitema, G. B. (2012). Good standaards for smart meters. In The 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market
Hoenkamp, R. A., & Huitema, G. B. (2012). Good standards for smart meters. In IEEE Conference Proceedings
Moes, T. H., Wijbenga, J. P., Balsters, H., & Huitema, G. B. (2012). Validatable legacy database migration using ORM. In OTM workshops
Schoenherr, T., Power, D., Narasimhan, R., & Samson, D. (2012). Competitive Capabilities among Manufacturing Plants in Developing, Emerging, and Industrialized Countries: A Comparative Analysis. Decision Sciences, 43(1), 36-70.
Simpson, D., Power, D., & Klassen, R. (2012). When one size does not fit all: A problem of fit rather than failure for voluntary management standards. Journal of Business Ethics, 110(1), 85-95.
Kamst, R., Kuper, G. H., Sierksma, G., & Talsma, B. G. (2012). Inner-Outer Lane Advantage in Olympic 1000 Meter Speed Skating. Jahrbucher fur nationalokonomie und statistik, 232(3), 293-307.
Romeijnders, W., Teunter, R., & van Jaarsveld, W. (2012). A two-step method for forecasting spare parts demand using information on component repairs. European Journal of Operational Research, 220(2), 386-393.
Paterson, C., Teunter, R., & Glazebrook, K. (2012). Enhanced lateral transshipments in a multi-location inventory system. European Journal of Operational Research, 221(2), 317-327.
Bakker, M., Riezebos, J., & Teunter, R. H. (2012). Review of inventory systems with deterioration since 2001. European Journal of Operational Research, 221(2), 275 - 284.
Teunter, R. H. (2012). Service parts management: demand forecasting and inventory control. Interfaces, 42(1), 88-89.
de Leeuw, S., Vis, I. F. A., & Jonkman, S. N. (2012). Exploring Logistics Aspects of Flood Emergency Measures. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 20(3), 166-179.
Bijvank, M., & Vis, I. F. A. (2012). Inventory control for point-of-use locations in hospitals. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63(4), 497-510.
Bijvank, M., & Vis, I. F. A. (2012). Lost-sales inventory systems with a service level criterion. European Journal of Operational Research, 220(3), 610-618.
Van Anholt, R. G., & Vis, I. F. A. (2012). Real-time performance measurement system for automated teller machines. In Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2012 Article 6465152
Carlo, H. J., & Vis, I. F. A. (2012). Sequencing dynamic storage systems with multiple lifts and shuttles. International Journal of Production Economics, 140(2), 844-853.
Getkate, D., & de Vries, J. (2012). De controller in beweging: De invloed van stakeholders op de ontwikkeling van rol en taak van de controller. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 86(11), 425-432.
de Vries, J., & Boonstra, A. (2012). The influence of ERP implementation on the division of power at the production-sales interface. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(10), 1178-1198.
van Beest, N., Kaldeli, E., Bulanov, P., Wortmann, J. C., & Lazovik, A. (2012). Automatic Detection of Business Process Interference. In International Workshop on Knowledge-intensive Business Processes
Koochaki, J., Bokhorst, J. A. C., Wortmann, H., & Klingenberg, W. (2012). Condition based maintenance in the context of opportunistic maintenance. International Journal of Production Research, 50(23), 6918-6929.
Stuit, M., & Wortmann, H. (2012). Discovery and analysis of e-mail-driven business processes. Information Systems, 37(2), 142-168.
Wortmann, J., Don, H., Hasselman, J., & J., W. (2012). Enterprise Information Systems as a Service: Re-engineering Enterprise Software as Product-Service System. In J. Frick, & B. T. Laugen (Eds.), Advances in production management systems: Value networks: Innovation, technologies, and management, IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2011, Stavanger, Norway, September 26-28, 2011 : revised selected papers (pp. 496-505). (IFIP advances in information and communication technology; No. 384). Springer.
Alblas, A., & Wortmann, H. (2012). Impact of product platforms on lean production systems: Evidence from industrial machinery manufacturing. International Journal of Technology Management, 57(1-3), 110-131.
Brombacher, A., Hopma, E., Ittoo, A., Lu, Y., Luyk, I., Maruster, L., Ribeiro, J., Weijters, T., & Wortmann, H. (2012). Improving Product Quality and Reliability with Customer Experience Data. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 28(8), 873-886.
Alblas, A. A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2012). Managing large engineering changes: The case of a high-tech microlithography equipment manufacturer. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(11), 1252-1280.
Bouma, G., Ittoo, R. A., Métais, E., & Wortmann, J. C. (2012). Natural language processing and information systems, 17th international conference on applications of natural language to information systems, NLDB, Groningen. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7337). Springer.
Alblas, A., Zhang, L. L., & Wortmann, H. (2012). Representing function-technology platform based on the unified modelling language. International Journal of Production Research, 50(12), 3236-3256.
de Bakker, K., Boonstra, A., & Wortmann, H. (2012). Risk managements' communicative effects influencing IT project success. International Journal of Project Management, 30(4), 444-457.
Buijs, P., Szirbik, N., Meyer, G., & Wortmann, J. (2012). Situation Awareness for Improved Operational Control in Cross Docking: An Illustrative Case Study. In Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing: Proceedings of the INCOM 2012 conference (pp. 1196-1201). (IFAC Proceedings Volumes; Vol. 45, No. 6). Elsevier.


Vis, I. F. A., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2011). Layout and control policies for cross docking operations. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61(4), 911-919.
Kilic, O. A., van Donk, D. P., & Wijngaard, J. (2011). A discrete time formulation for batch processes with storage capacity and storage time limitations. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 35(4), 622-629.
Broekhuis, M., & van Donk, D. P. (2011). Coordination of physicians' operational activities: a Contingency perspective. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31(3), 251-273.
Zhang, X., van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2011). Does ICT influence supply chain management and performance? A review of survey-based research. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31(11-12), 1215-1247.
van Kampen, T. J., & van Donk, D. P. (2011). Dynamics of SKU classification: The production strategy in a dairy company. In Proceedings of the 18th EurOMA Conference
Ziengs, N., Riezebos, J., & van Donk, D. P. (2011). Evaluating the relation between worker-oriented lean practices and operational performance using meta-analysis and path-analysis. In Proceedings of the 18th EurOMA Conference
Drupsteen, J., van der Vaart, T., & van Donk, D. P. (2011). Integrative practices in hospitals and their impact on patient flow. In Proceedings of the 18th EurOMA Conference
van der Vaart, T., Power, D., & van Donk, D. P. (2011). Supply chain integration under certainty: The role of asset specific investment with suppliers. In Proceedings of the 18the EurOMA Conference
Bakker, F. P., & van Donk, D. P. (2011). Supply chain rationality in engineering-to-order companies: Similarities and differences in two cases. In Proceedings of the 18the EurOMA Conference
Kuehne, R., Huitema, G., & Carle, G. (2011). A simple distributed mechanism for accounting system self-configuration in next-generation charging and billing. Computer Communications, 34(7), 898-920.
Hoenkamp, R. A., Huitema, G. B., & de Moor-van Vugt, A. J. C. (2011). The neglected consumer: The case of the smart meter rollout in the Netherlands. The Journal of Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review, 4, 269 - 282.
Turkensteen, M., Sierksma, G., & Wieringa, J. E. (2011). Balancing the fit and logistics costs of market segmentations. European Journal of Operational Research, 213(1), 340-348.
Mostard, J., Teunter, R., & de Koster, R. (2011). Forecasting demand for single-period products: A case study in the apparel industry. European Journal of Operational Research, 211(1), 139-147.
Teunter, R. H., Syntetos, A. A., & Babai, M. Z. (2011). Intermittent demand: Linking forecasting to inventory obsolescence. European Journal of Operational Research, 214(3), 606-615.
Paterson, C., Kiesmuller, G., Teunter, R., & Glazebrook, K. (2011). Inventory models with lateral transshipments: A review. European Journal of Operational Research, 210(2), 125-136.
Teunter, R. H., & Flapper, S. D. P. (2011). Optimal core acquisition and remanufacturing policies under uncertain core quality fractions. European Journal of Operational Research, 210(2), 241-248.
Bijvank, M., & Vis, I. F. A. (2011). Lost-sales inventory theory: A review. European Journal of Operational Research, 215(1), 1-13.
Achterkamp, M. C., de Vries, J., & Vos, J. F. J. (2011). Role-based stakeholder influence on the adoption of a management fashion. In First interdisciplinary conference on stakeholders, resources and value creation
de Vries, J., & Huijsman, R. (2011). Supply chain management in health services: An overview. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 16(3), 159-165.
de Vries, J. (2011). The shaping of hospital inventory systems: Powerplay or rational decision-making? Hospital Healthcare Europe, 125 - 127.
de Vries, J., & Spens, K. (2011). The shaping of inventory systems in health services. In Y. Yih (Ed.), Handbook of healthcare delivery systems (pp. 20-1 - 20-13). Taylor & Francis Group.
de Vries, J. (2011). The shaping of inventory systems in health services: A stakeholder analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 133(1), 60-69.
de Snoo, C., van Wezel, W. M. C., Wortmann, J. C., & Gaalman, G. J. C. (2011). Coordination activities of human planners during rescheduling: case analysis and event handling procedure. International Journal of Production Research, 49(7), 2101-2122.
De Snoo, C., Van Wezel, W., & Wortmann, J. C. (2011). Does location matter for a scheduling department? A longitudinal case study on the effects of relocating the schedulers. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31(11-12), 1332-1358.
Koochaki, J., Bokhorst, J. A. C., Wortmann, J. C., & Klingenberg, W. (2011). Evaluating condition based maintenance effectiveness for two processes in series. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 17(4), 398 - 414.
Veldman, J., Klingenberg, W., & Wortmann, J. C. (2011). Managing condition-based maintenance technology: A multiple case study in the process industry. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 17(1), 40-62.
Stuit, M., Wortmann, J. C., Szirbik, N., & Roodenburg, J. (2011). Multi-view interaction modelling of human collaboration processes: A business process study of head and neck cancer care in a Dutch academic hospital. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 44(6), 1039-1055.
Meyer, G. G., Szirbik, N., & Wortmann, J. C. (2011). Production monitoring and control with intelligent products. International Journal of Production Research, 49(5), 1303-1317. Article 931232020.
de Bakker, K. F. C., Boonstra, A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2011). Risk Management Affecting IS/IT Project Success Through Communicative Action. Project Management Journal, 42(3), 75-90.
Boonstra, A., Broekhuis, M., van Offenbeek, M. A. G., & Wortmann, J. C. (2011). Strategic alternatives in telecare design: Developing a value-configuration-based alignment framework. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 20(2), 198-214.
Veldman, J., Wortmann, J. C., & Klingenberg, W. (2011). Typology of condition based maintenance: Methodology and theory. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 17(2), 183-202.


Gimenez, C., Sierra, V., van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2010). A comprehensive model of the integration performance relationship. In Proceedings of the 17th international annual EurOMA conference
Akkerman, R., & van Donk, D. P. (2010). Balancing environmental and economic performance in the food-processing industry. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 11(3), 330-340.
van Donk, D. P. (2010). Book Review. International Journal of Production Research, 48(4), 1223 - 1224.
van Kampen, T. J., & van Donk, D. P. (2010). Form postponement in the food processing industry: The case of a dairy company. In Proceedings of the 17th international annual EurOMA conference
van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2010). International Journal of Operations & Production Management (Guest Editor). International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 30(12).
Zhang, X., van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2010). Interorganizational ICT and supply chain performance: The roles of supply chain integration and uncertainty. In Proceedings of the 17th international annual EurOMA conference
Akkerman, R., van der Meer, D., & van Donk, D. P. (2010). Make to stock and mix to order: choosing intermediate products in the food-processing industry. International Journal of Production Research, 48(12), 3475-3492.
Kilic, O. A., van Donk, D. P., Wijngaard, J., & Tarim, S. A. (2010). Order acceptance in food processing systems with random raw material requirements. OR Spectrum, 32(4), 905-925.
van Donk, D. P., & van der Vaart, T. (2010). Papers from EurOMA 2008, tradition and innovation in operations management: connecting past and future. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 30(12), 1216-1218.
van Kampen, T. J., van Donk, D. P., & van der Zee, D. J. (2010). Safety stock or safety lead time: coping with unreliability in demand and supply. International Journal of Production Research, 48(24), 7463-7481. Article 919006010.
Huitema, G. B., Kühne, R., Meyer, U., Ensing, H., Zugenmaier, A., Bibas, A., Karasti, O., Rumph, F. J., & Silljé, J. (2010). Compensation: Architecture for supporting dynamicity and negotiation in accounting, charging and billing. Computer Communications, 33(15), 1823 - 1833.
Hoepman, J. H., & Huitema, G. B. (2010). Privacy enhanced fraud resistant road pricing. In what kind of information society? Governance, virtuality, surveillance, sustainability, resilience. In IFIP Advances in information and communication technology (pp. 202 - 213). (IFIP AICT Series; No. 328). Springer.
Balsters, H., Klaver, C., & Huitema, G. B. (2010). Real-Time Integration of Geo-data in ORM. In R. Meersman, T. Dillon, & P. Herrero (Eds.), ON THE MOVE TO MEANINGFUL INTERNET SYSTEMS: OTM 2010 WORKSHOPS (pp. 436-446). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6428). Springer.
Sierksma, G., & Ghosh, D. (2010). Networks in Action: Text and Computer Exercises in Network Optimization. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science; Vol. 140). Springer.
Kamst, R., Kuper, G. H., & Sierksma, G. (2010). The Olympic 500-m speed skating; the inner-outer lane difference. Statistica Neerlandica, 64(4), 448-459.
Teunter, R. H., Babai, M., & Syntetos, A. (2010). ABC classification: service levels and inventory costs. Production and Operations Management, 19(3), 343-352.
Caner, S., Teunter, R. H., & Zhu, S. X. (2010). Closing the loop: Competition and cooperation in remanufacturing. In Proceedings of APMS 2010 - International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (Proceedings of APMS 2010 - International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems).
Teunter, R. H., Syntetos, A. A., & Babai, M. Z. (2010). Determining order-up-to levels under periodic review for compound binomial (intermittent) demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 203(3), 619-624.
Dux, F., Beullens, P., & Teunter, R. (2010). Discrete event simulation to evaluate abc classification for defence inventories. In M. Gunal, S. Robinson, S. J. E. Taylor, & B. Tjahjono (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2010 Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop, SW 2010 (pp. 249-258). (Proceedings of the 2010 Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop, SW 2010). Operational Research Society Limited.
Teunter, R., Paterson, C., & Glazebrook, K. (2010). Hybrid Lateral Transshipments in a Multi-Location Inventory System. (SOM Research Reports; Vol. 10006). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Babai, M. Z., Syntetos, A. A., & Teunter, R. (2010). On the empirical performance of (T,s,S) heuristics. European Journal of Operational Research, 202(2), 466-472.
de Vries, J. (2010). The shaping of hospital inventory systems: powerplay or rational decision-making? Hospital Pharmacy Europe, 11/12, 56 - 58.
van Hoeve, J. C., Otter, R., Hummel, H. J., van der Meer, J. Y., & de Vries, J. (2010). Zorgpaden als verbeterinstrument. Uitgangspunten en aanpak. Kwaliteit in Zorg, tijdschrift over kwaliteit en veiligheid in de zorg, 20(12), 9 - 14.
Stuit, M., & Wortmann, J. C. (2010). A collaboration process study with application of agent interaction and behavior diagrams. In Proceedings of the 2010 international symposium on collaborative technolgies and systems (CTS 2010)
van Beest, N. R. T. P., Szirbik, N., & Wortmann, J. C. (2010). Assessing the interference in concurrent business processes. In Proceedings of 12th international conference on enterprise information systems (ICEIS'10) (pp. 261 - 270). SciTePress.
de Bakker, K. F. C., Boonstra, A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2010). Does risk management contribute to IT project success? A meta-analysis of empirical evidence. International Journal of Project Management, 28(5), 493-503.
Ittoo, R. A., Bouma, G., Maruster, L., & Wortmann, J. C. (2010). Extracting meronomy relations from domain-specific, textual corporate databases. In C. J. Hopfe, Y. Rezgui, E. Métais, A. Preece, & H. Li (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th international conference on applications of natural language to information systems 2010 (Vol. 6177, pp. 48-59). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6177). Springer.
Ittoo, A., Bouma, G., Maruster, L., & Wortmann, H. (2010). Extracting meronymy relationships from domain-specific, textual corporate databases. In C. J. Hopfe, Y. Rezgui, E. Métais, A. Preece, & H. Li (Eds.), Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 15th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2010, Cardiff, UK, June 23-25, 2010, Proceedings (pp. 48-59). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 6177 LNCS).
van Beest, N. R. T. P., Bulanov, P., Wortmann, H., & Lazovik, A. (2010). Resolving Business Process Interference via Dynamic Reconfiguration. In PP. Maglio, M. Weske, J. Yang, & M. Fantinato (Eds.), SERVICE-ORIENTED COMPUTING - ICSOC 2010, PROCEEDINGS (pp. 47-60). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6470). Springer.
Meyer, G., & Wortmann, J. (2010). Robust Planning and Control Using Intelligent Products. In E. David, E. Gerding, D. Sarne, & O. Shehory (Eds.), Agent-mediated electronic commerce: Designing trading strategies and mechanisms for electronic markets : AAMAS Workshop, AMEC 2009, Budapest, Hungary, May 12, 2009, and IJCAI Workshop, TADA 2009, Pasadena, CA, USA, July 13, 2009, Selected and Revised Papers (pp. 163-177). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 59). Springer.
Meijler, T. D., Nytun, J. P., Prinz, A., & Wortmann, H. (2010). Supporting fine-grained generative model-driven evolution. Software and systems modeling, 9(3), 403-424.
Ittoo, R. A., Maruster, L., Wortmann, J. C., & Bouma, G. (2010). Textractor: A Framework for Extracting Relevant Domain Concepts from Irregular Corporate Textual Datasets. In W. Abramowicz, & R. Tolksdorf (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th international conference of business information systems (pp. 71-82). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 47). Springer.


Roodbergen, K. J., & Vis, I. (2009). A survey of literature on automated storage and retrieval systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 194(2), 343-362.
Vis, I., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2009). Scheduling of container storage and retrieval. Operations Research, 57(2), 456-467.
van Kampen, T. J., Akkerman, R., & van Donk, D. P. (2009). Analyzing customer demand: characterization and classification. In Implementation - realizing Operations Management knowledge EurOMA.
Akkerman, R., & van Donk, D. P. (2009). Analyzing scheduling in the food-processing industry: Structure and tasks. Cognition, Technology & Work, 11(3), 215 - 226.
van Donk, D. P., Oosterhuis, M., Zhang, X., & van der Vaart, T. (2009). ICT and supply chain performance: a resource based view. In Implementation - realizing Operations Management knowledge EurOMA.
Akkerman, R., & van Donk, D. P. (2009). Product mix variability with correlated demand in two-stage food manufacturing with intermediate storage. International Journal of Production Economics, 121(2), 313-322.
Broekhuis, H., & van Donk, D. P. (2009). Pysicians' coordination mechanism: understanding context and realizing change. In Implementation - realizing Operations Management knowledge EurOMA.
van Donk, D. P., & Molloy, E. (2009). Rationality and irrationality in project management. In P. Harper-Smith, & S. Derry (Eds.), Fast track to success project management (pp. 167 - 168). Pearson Education Ltd.
Yazan, D., van Donk, D. P., & Dietzenbacher, E. (2009). The design of a joint production chain incorporating waste recycling: an enterprise input-output approach. In Proceedings 17th International Input-Output Conference
Zhang, X., van Donk, D. P., van der Vaart, T., & Oosterhuis, M. (2009). The different impact of inter-organizational and intra-organizational ICT on supply chain performance. In Implementation - realizing Operations Management knowledge EurOMA.
Holweg, M., & van Donk, D. P. (2009). When is a conceptual framework also a theoretical contribution? Operations & Supply Management (OMS) Forum, 1 - 3.
Rumph, F. J., Kruithof, G. H., & Huitema, G. B. (2009). Accounting, charging and billing for dynamic service composition chains. In G. A. Papadopoulos, W. Wojtkowski, G. Wojtkowski, S. Wrycza, & J. Zupancic (Eds.), Information systems development, towards a service provision society Springer.
Timmerman, W. H., & Huitema, G. B. (2009). Design of energy management services - supporting the role of the prosumer in the energy market. In Proceedings of the CAiSE-DC'09 16th doctoral consortium CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
van Le, M., Rumph, F. J., Huitema, G. B., van Beijnum, B. J. F., & Nieuwenhuis, L. J. M. (2009). Online charging for IMS-based inter-domain composite services. In Online charging for IMS-based inter-domain composite services, Vol. 5539. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 72 - 84). Springer.
Albdaiwi, B. F., Goldengorin, B., & Sierksma, G. (2009). Equivalent instances of the simple plant location problem. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 57(5), 812-820.
Sierksma, G., & Zwols, Y. (2009). Training optimization for the decathlon. Operations Research, 57(4), 812-822.
Li, J., Hendry, L., & Teunter, R. H. (2009). A strategic capacity allocation model for a complex supply chain: formulation and solution approach comparison. International Journal of Production Economics, 121(2), 505 - 518.
Teunter, R. H., & Sani, B. (2009). Calculating order-up-to levels for products with intermittent demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 118(1), 82 - 86.
Teunter, R. H., & Duncan, L. (2009). Forecasting intermittent demand: a comparative study. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(3), 321 - 329.
Teunter, R. H., Tang, O., & Kaparis, K. (2009). Heuristics for the economic lot scheduling with returns. International Journal of Production Economics, 118(1), 323-330.
Teunter, R. H. (2009). Note on the fill rate of single-stage general periodic review inventory systems. Operations Research Letters, 37(1), 67 - 68.
Teunter, R. H., & Sani, B. (2009). On the bias of Croston's forecasting method. European Journal of Operational Research, 194(1), 177-183.
Syntetos, A., Babai, M., Dallery, Y., & Teunter, R. H. (2009). Periodic control of intermittent demand items: theory and empirical analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60, 611 - 618.
de Vries, J. (2009). Assessing inventory projects from a stakeholder perspective: Results of an empirical study. International Journal of Production Economics, 118(1), 136-145.
de Vries, J. (2009). Een supply chain management perspectief op zorgketens. In H. Rosendal, C. T. B. Ahaus, R. Huijsman, & C. Raad (Eds.), Ketenzorg, praktijk in perspectief (pp. 293 - 302). Elsevier Gezondheidszorg.
Hummel, H., van der Meer, J. Y., de Vries, J., & Otter, R. (2009). Integrale oncologische zorgpaden. Opzet en toepassing. Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
van Hoeve, J. C., Hummel, H. J., Otter, R., & de Vries, J. (2009). Oncologische zorgpaden: een efficiente aanpak voor integrale ketenzorg. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie, 6(8), 351 - 355.
Knotters, N., Boonstra, A., & de Vries, J. (2009). Politiek en strijd rond ERP. Een casestudie over de invloed van ERP informatisering op machtsverhoudingen binnen operationele netwerken. Tijdschrift voor Management en Organisatie, 63(1), 5 - 25.
Postmus, D., Wijngaard, J., & Wortmann, H. (2009). An economic model to compare the profitability of pay-per-use and fixed-fee licensing. Information and Software Technology, 51(3), 581-588.
Pelletier, ., & Wortmann, J. C. (2009). A risk analysis for gas transport network planning expansion under regulatory uncertainty in Western Europe. Energy Policy, 37(2), 721-732.
van Beest, N. R. T. P., Szirbik, N., & Wortmann, J. C. (2009). A vision for agile model-driven enterprise information system. In J. Cordeiro, & J. Filipe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th international conference on enterprise information systems (pp. 188 - 194). INSTICC publishing.
de Bakker, K. F. C., Boonstra, A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2009). How risk management influences project success. In Proceedings of the 9th IRNOP Research Conference (pp. 11 - 19). IRNOP.
Wortmann, J. C., Boonstra, A., Broekhuis, H., van Meurs, J., van Offenbeek, M. A. G., Westerman, W., & Wijngaard, J. (2009). Is telecare feasible? Lessons from an in-depth case study. In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE conference on enabling technologies: Infrastructures for collaborative enterprises (pp. 246-251). (IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises Proceedings). IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
Alblas, A. A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2009). Product platform life cycles: A multiple case study. International Journal of Technology Management, 48(2), 188-201.
Lazovik, A., Avgeriou, P., & Wortmann, J. (2009). Workshop for e-Government via Software Services (WeGovS2 2009). In 2009 18TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES: INFRASTRUCTURES FOR COLLABORATIVE ENTERPRISES (pp. 252-253). (IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises Proceedings). IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


Roodbergen, K. J., Sharp, G., & Vis, I. (2008). Designing the layout structure of manual order-picking areas in warehouses. IIE Transactions, 40(11), 1032-1045.
Vis, I., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2008). Positioning of goods in a cross-docking environment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 54(3), 677-689.
van der Vaart, T., & van Donk, D. P. (2008). A critical review of survey-based research in supply chain integration. International Journal of Production Economics, 111(1), 42-55.
van Donk, D. P. (2008). Challenges in relating supply chain management and information and communication technology: An introduction. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 28(4), 308-312.
Akkerman, R., & van Donk, D. P. (2008). Development and application of a decision support tool for reduction of product losses in the food-processing industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(3), 335-342.
Soman, C. A., & van Donk, D. P. (2008). Economic lot scheduling in the food industry. In Proceedings of the 15th international annual conference of the European Operations Management Association, June 15-18, 2008
van Donk, D. P., & Molloy, E. (2008). From organising as projects to projects as organizations. International Journal of Project Management, 26(2), 129-137.
van Le, M., van Beijnum, B. J. F., Nieuwenhuis, L. J. M., & Huitema, G. B. (2008). An enterprise model for real-time inter-domain billing of services. In Proceedings of the 12th enterprise distributed object computing conference workshops (pp. 405 - 412). IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
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Hämmäinen, H., Chen, H., Pras, A., Huitema, G. B., Waldburger, M., Hausheer, D., Antoniadis, P., Reichl, P., Kubasik, J., & Stiller, B. (2008). Summary. In B. Stiller (Ed.), Perspectives workshop: Telecomunication economics, Dagstuhl seminar proceedings 08043
Koning, R. H., & Sierksma, G. (2008). Sport, statistiek en OR. STAtOR, 9(2), 3.
Turkensteen, M., Ghosh, D., Goldengorin, B., & Sierksma, G. (2008). Tolerance-based Branch and Bound algorithms for the ATSP. European Journal of Operational Research, 189(3), 775-788.
Teunter, R., & Dekker, R. (2008). An easy derivation of the order level optimality condition for inventory systems with backordering. International Journal of Production Economics, 114(1), 201-204.
Teunter, R. H., & Haneveld, W. K. K. (2008). Dynamic inventory rationing strategies for inventory systems with two demand classes, Poisson demand and backordering. European Journal of Operational Research, 190(1), 156-178.
Teunter, R., Kaparis, K., & Tang, O. (2008). Multi-product economic lot scheduling problem with separate production lines for manufacturing and remanufacturing. European Journal of Operational Research, 191(3), 1241-1253.
Boonstra, A., & de Vries, J. (2008). Managing stakeholders around inter-organizational systems: A diagnostic approach. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 17(3), 190-201.
Postmus, D., Meijler, T., & Wortmann, J. C. (2008). A typology of product delivery strategies in the software industry. In Proceedings of the 15th international annual conference of the European Operations Management Association
Boonstra, A., Broekhuis, H., van Offenbeek, M. A. G., Westerman, W., Wijngaard, J., & Wortmann, J. C. (2008). Kijken op een afstand, een leerzaam alternatief: Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit en efficiency van Koala telecare en telecure. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Koochaki, J., Veldman, J., & Wortmann, J. C. (2008). Literature survey on condition based maintenance within the process industry. In Proceedings of 21st congress of condition monitoring and diagnostic engineering management (COMADEM 08)
Alblas, A. A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2008). Maintaining product platforms in industrial machinery. In D. Marjanovic, M. Storga, N. Pavkovic, & N. Bojcetic (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th international design conference, DESIGN 2008 (pp. 261 - 270). (Design Society Publication DS). UNIV ZAGREB, FACULTY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING & NAVAL ARCHITECTURE.
Alblas, A. A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2008). Managing engineering change effects on design process planning. In Proceedings of the 15th international product development management conference
de Snoo, C., Hoogenraad, M. S., & Wortmann, J. C. (2008). Opportunities for collaborative planning in freight transport planning. In Proceedings of the 15th international annual conference of the European Operations Management Association, June 15-18, 2008


De Koster, R., Le-Duc, T., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2007). Design and control of warehouse order picking: a literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 182(2), 481-501.
Huitema, G. B., Kühne, R., Meyer, U., Silljé, J., & Zugenmaier, A. (2007). Compensation - Dynamic charging and billing relationships in next-generation business environments. In Proceedings of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
Huitema, G. B. (2007). Compensation enabling compositions, In: D. Zhou (ed.), Validated composition and compensation architecture. (Deliverable D26-G.2. ed.) European Union.
Pijlman, M. J., & Huitema, G. B. (2007). Second life: Betreden op eigen risico. Automatiseringsgids, 19, 13 - 13.
Balsters, H., & Huitema, G. B. (2007). Semantics of interoperable and outsourced information systems. In G. Doumeingts, J. Muller, G. Morel, & B. Vallespir (Eds.), ENTERPRISE INTEROPERABILITY: NEW CHALLENGES AND APPROACHES (pp. 13-22). Springer.
Alcaide, D., Chu, C., Kats, V., Levner, E., & Sierksma, G. (2007). Cyclic multiple-robot scheduling with time-window constraints using a critical path approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(1), 147-162.
de Vries, J. (2007). Diagnosing inventory management systems: An empirical evaluation of a conceptual approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 108(1-2), 63-73.
de Vries, J., Commandeur, H., & Huijsman, R. (2007). Management en organisatie in de gezondheidszorg, overzicht en reflectie. M&O. Tijdschrift voor Management en Organisatie, 61(2), 5 - 21.
de Vries, J. (2007). Samenwerking tussen IKN en Bedrijfskunde RuG, project oncologische zorgpaden. Kwaliteitsforum voor de oncologische zorg, 1(1), 16 - 17.
Zomerdijk, L. G., & de Vries, J. (2007). Structuring front office and back office work in service delivery systems: An empirical study of three design decisions. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(1), 108-131.
Stuit, M., Szirbik, N., & Wortmann, H. (2007). Building agent-based simulations using structural and process mental models. In Negru, T. Jebelean, D. Petcu, & D. Zaharie (Eds.), Post-proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (pp. 267-274). IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
Hoogenraad, M. S., & Wortmann, J. C. (2007). Changeability of production management systems. In J. Olhager, & F. Persson (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems (pp. 179-187). (INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION PROCESSING; Vol. 246). Springer.
Wortmann, J. C. (2007). Enterprise systems. In T. M. A. Bemelmans, M. van Keulen, R. J. Kusters, & M. Looijen (Eds.), ICT zakboek, 3e druk (pp. 51 - 105). Reed Business Media.
Stuit, M., Szirbik, N., & Wortmann, J. C. (2007). Mapping structural and process models in agent-based simulations of organisations. In Proceedings of the 4th workshop on agents for complex systems (ACSys 2007) (pp. 41 - 48). ACSys.
de Snoo, C., Gerard, G., Wortmann, J. C., & van Wezel, W. M. C. (2007). The need for a process focus on production planing - critical comments and application of a new framework. In N. Acur, N. K. Erkip, & E. D. Günes (Eds.), Managing operations in an expanding Europe, Proceedings of the 14th International annual eurOMA conference Bilkent University.


Roodbergen, K. J., & Vis, I. (2006). A model for warehouse layout. IIE Transactions, 38(10), 799-811.
Huitema, G. B. (2006). Compensation enabled business models; Architecture specification. (Deliverable D04-G.3. ed.) European Union.
Balsters, H., & Huitema, G. B. (2006). Semantics of interoperable and outsourced information systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, oktober, 13 - 23.
Turkensteen, M., Ghosh, D., Goldengorin, B., & Sierksma, G. (2006). Iterative patching and the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. Discrete Optimization, 3(1), 63-77.
Ghosh, D., Chakravarti, N., & Sierksma, G. (2006). Sensitivity analysis of a greedy heuristic for knapsack problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 169(1), 340-350.
Teunter, R. H., & Flapper, S. D. P. (2006). A comparison of bottling alternatives in the pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Operations Management, 24(3), 215-234.
Teunter, R. H. (2006). Determining optimal disassembly and recovery strategies. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 34(6), 533-537.
Teunter, R. H., Bayindir, Z. P., & Van Den Heuvel, W. (2006). Dynamic lot sizing with product returns and remanufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 44(20), 4377-4400.
Tang, O., & Teunter, R. (2006). Economic lot scheduling problem with returns. Production and Operations Management, 15(4), 488-497.
van der Laan, E. A., & Teunter, R. H. (2006). Simple heuristics for push and pull remanufacturing policies. European Journal of Operational Research, 175(2), 1084-1102.
Teunter, R. H. (2006). The multiple-job repair kit problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 175(2), 1103-1116.
van de Water, H., & de Vries, J. (2006). Choosing a quality improvement project using the Analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 23(4), 409 - 425.
Wijngaard, J., de Vries, J., & Nauta, A. (2006). Performers and performance: How to investigate the contribution of the operational network to operational performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 26(3-4), 394-411.
Meijler, T. D., Postmus, D., & Wortmann, H. (2006). Towards model-driven evolvability of enterprise information systems. In 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, Proceedings (pp. 413-416). (IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC) Conference). IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
Vandenbossche, P. E. A., & Wortmann, J. C. (2006). Why accounting data models from research are not incorporated in ERP systems. (92.4-30 ed.) IT University of Copenhagen.


Balsters, H., Huitema, GB., & Szirbik, NB. (2005). Semantics of agent-based service delegation and alignment. In R. Meersman, Z. Tari, P. Herrero, G. Mendez, L. Cavedon, D. Martin, A. Hinze, G. Buchanan, MS. Perez, Robles, J. Humble, A. Albani, JLG. Dietz, H. Panetto, M. Scannapieco, T. Halpin, P. Spyns, JM. Zaha, E. Zimanyi, E. Stefanakis, T. Dillon, L. Feng, M. Jarrar, J. Lehmann, A. DeMoor, E. Duval, ... L. Aroyo (Eds.), ON THE MOVE TO MEANINGFUL INTERNET SYSTEMS 2005: OTM 2005 WORKSHOPS, PROCEEDINGS (pp. 109-120). (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE; Vol. 3762). Springer.
Balsters, H., Huitema, G. B., & Szirbik, N. (2005). Semantics of agent-based service delegation and alignment; On the move to meaningful internet systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3762, 109 - 121.
Balsters, H., & Huitema, GB. (2005). Semantics of information systems outsourcing. In R. Meersman, Z. Tari, P. Herrero, G. Mendez, L. Cavedon, D. Martin, A. Hinze, G. Buchanan, MS. Perez, Robles, J. Humble, A. Albani, JLG. Dietz, H. Panetto, M. Scannapieco, T. Halpin, P. Spyns, JM. Zaha, E. Zimanyi, E. Stefanakis, T. Dillon, L. Feng, M. Jarrar, J. Lehmann, A. DeMoor, E. Duval, ... L. Aroyo (Eds.), ON THE MOVE TO MEANINGFUL INTERNET SYSTEMS 2005: OTM 2005 WORKSHOPS, PROCEEDINGS (pp. 28-29). (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE; Vol. 3762). Springer.
Balsters, H., & Huitema, G. B. (2005). Semantics of information systems outsourcing; On the move to meaningful internet systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3762, 28 - 29.
Changat, M., Mulder, H. M., & Sierksma, G. (2005). Convexities related to path properties on graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 290(2-3), 117-131.
Ghosh, D., Goldengorin, B., & Sierksma, G. (2005). Data correcting algorithms in combinatorial optimization. In D. Z. Du, & P. M. Pardalos (Eds.), Handbook of combinatorial optimization, 5 (pp. 1 - 53). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Ghosh, D., Goldengorin, B., & Sierksma, G. (2005). Data correcting: a methodology for obtaining near-optimal solutions. In S. R. Mohan, & S. K. Neogy (Eds.), Operations research with economic and industrial applications: emerging trends (pp. 119 - 127). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Ghosh, D., Goldengorin, B., & Sierksma, G. (2005). Tolerance-based branch and bound, algorithms. In Proceedings ORP (pp. 171 - 182)
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Boonstra, A., & de Vries, J. (2005). Analyzing inter-organizational systems from a power and interest perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 25(6), 485-501.
Zomerdijk, L. G., & de Vries, J. (2005). Design decisions about front office and back office activities in service delivery processes. Results from a multiple case study. In K. Demeter (Ed.), Operations and global competitiveness
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de Vries, J. (2005). Het diagnosticeren en verbeteren van voorraadsystemen: Een systematische aanpak, deel 1. Kennisbanken, oktober.
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de Vries, J. (2005). The complex relationship between inventory control and organisational setting: Theory and practice. International Journal of Production Economics, 93-94, 273-284.
Wu, MC., Wortmann, H., & Szirbik, N. (2005). Applications of genetic algorithms in industry. Computers in Industry, 56(2), 141-142.
Szirbik, N., & Wortmann, J. C. (2005). ERP and workflow systems: do they work together? In Proceedings of APMS 2005 - IFIP 5.7 (CD) (pp. 18 - 21). NIST Publishing.
Boonstra, A., Balsters, H., Schaap, D., & Wortmann, J. (2005). Herziening van de informatie-inrichting van het facilitair bedrijf van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Facilitair Bedrijf, University of Groningen.


Dekker, R., De Koster, R., Roodbergen, K. J., & Van Kalleveen, H. (2004). Improving order-picking response time at Ankor′s warehouse. Interfaces, 34(4), 303-313.
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Goldengorin, B., Ghosh, D., & Sierksma, G. (2004). Branch and peg algorithms for the simple plant location problem. Computers & Operations Research, 31(2), 241-255.
Klooster, G., & Sierksma, G. (2004). Computeranalyses ondersteunen managers, coaches en scouts. SportGericht, 57(5/6), 9 - 12.
Turkensteen, M., Ghosh, D., Goldengorin, B., & Sierksma, G. (2004). Iterative patching and the asymmetric traveling salesman problem. (A27 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Wanders, H. L. T., Gaalman, G. J. C., & Sierksma, G. (2004). The composition of semi-finished inventories at a solid board plant. European Journal of Operational Research, 155(1), 96-111.
Goldengorin, B., Sierksma, G., & Turkensteen, M. (2004). Tolerance based algorithms for the ATSP. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3353, 222 - 234.
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Boonstra, A., & Vries, J. D. (2004). Analyzing inter-organizational systems from a power and interest perspective. s.n.
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de Vries, J., & van der Vaart, T. (2004). Duurzame supply chain management-relaties. Een emperische studie naar kennisuitwisseling bij logistieke samenwerkingsprocessen. Management & Organisatie, 58(3), 5 - 25.
Welker, G. A., Wijngaard, J., & de Vries, J. (2004). The influence of the customer order de-coupling point on the ordering process. In N. van Wassenhove (Ed.), Operations management as a change agent (pp. 921 - 930). INSEAD/EUROMA.
Jansen-Vullers, MH., Wortmann, JC., & Beulens, AJM. (2004). Application of labels to trace material flows in multi-echelon supply chains. Production Planning & Control, 15(3), 303 - 312.
Aerts, A. T. M., Goossenaerts, J. B. M., Hammer, D. K., & Wortmann, J. C. (2004). Architectures in context: on the evolution of business, application software, and ICT platform architectures. Information & Management, 41, 781-794.


Goldengorin, B., Ghosh, D., & Sierksma, G. (2003). Branch and peg algorithms for the simple plant location problem. Computers & Operations Research, 30(7), 967 - 981. Article PII S0305-0548(02)00049-7.
Goldengorin, B., & Sierksma, G. (2003). Combinatorial optimization tolerances calculated in linear time. (A30 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Sierksma, G. (2003). Computer support for team formation. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 2(1), 175 - 177.
Sierksma, G., & Tijssen, G. A. (2003). Degeneracy degrees of constraint collections. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 57(3), 437-448.
Koning, R. H., Sierksma, G., & van der Velde, S. (2003). Introduction: Sport and computer. European Journal of Operational Research, 148(2), 231 - 232.
Ghosh, D., & Sierksma, G. (2003). On the complexity of determining tolerances. Applicationes Mathematicae, 30(3), 305 - 313.
Goldengorin, B., Tijssen, G. A., Ghosh, D., & Sierksma, G. (2003). Solving the simple plant location problem using a data correcting approach. Journal of Global Optimization, 25(4), 377-406.
Boon, BH., & Sierksma, G. (2003). Team formation: Matching quality supply and quality demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 148(2), 277-292.
Zomerdijk, L. G., & de Vries, J. (2003). An organizational perspective on inventory control: Theory and a case study. International Journal of Production Economics, 81(2), 173-183. Article PII S0925-5273(02)00276-1.
Jagdev, H. S., Wortmann, J. C., & Pels, H. J. (2003). Collaborative systems for production management. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Kusters, R. J., & Wortmann, J. C. (2003). Control of complexity in virtual organizations: the role of enterprise modelling. In J. C. Wortmann, H. S. Jagdev, & H. J. Pels (Eds.), Collaborative systems for production management (pp. 399 - 409). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Maruster, L., Wortmann, J. C., Weijters, A. J. M. M., & van der Aalst, W. M. P. (2003). Discovering distributed processes in supply chains. In Collaborative Systems for Production Management: IFIP TC5 / WG5.7 Eighth International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems September 8–13, 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (pp. 219-230). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 129). Springer New York LLC.


Vis, I., & Roodbergen, K. J. (2002). Examining supply chains from practice. In A. Klose, M. G. Speranza, & L. N. Van Wassenhove (Eds.), Quantitative Approaches to Distribution Logistics and Supply Chain Management (pp. 3-18). (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems). Springer.
Huitema, G. B. (2002). Van de nota een deugd maken: verrekening van telecommunicatie- en informatiediensten vanuit klantperspectief. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Ghosh, D., & Sierksma, G. (2002). Complete local search with memory. Journal of Heuristics, 8(6), 571-584.
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Sierksma, G. (2001). Linear and integer programming; Theory and practice. Marcel Dekker.
Goldengorin, B., Tijssen, G. A., Ghosh, D., & Sierksma, G. (2001). Solving the simple plant location problem using a data correcting approach. (A53 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Wanders, H. L. T., Gaalman, G. J. C., & Sierksma, G. (2001). The composition of semi finished inventories at a solid board plant. (A51 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Sierksma, G. (2001). Zeer moeilijk is makkelijk. Natuur & Techniek, 50 - 55.
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Changat, M., Mulder, H. M., & Sierksma, G. (2000). Convexities related to path properties on graphs. (E45 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
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Goldengorin, B., Ghosh, D., & Sierksma, G. (2000). Equivalent instances of the simple plant location problem. (A54 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Ghosh, D., & Sierksma, G. (2000). On the complexity of determining tolerances for e-optimal solutions to min-max combinatorial optimization problems. (A35 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
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Sierksma, G., & Teunter, R. H. (2000). Partial monotonizations of Hamiltonian cycle polytopes: Dimensions and diameters. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 105(1-3), 173-182.
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Sierksma, G. (1999). Limiting polytopes and periodic Markov chains. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 281 - 298.
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Goldengorin, B., Sierksma, G., Tijssen, GA., & Tso, M. (1999). The data-correcting algorithm for the minimization of supermodular functions. Management Science, 45(11), 1539-1551.
Sierksma, G., & Sierksma, W. (1999). The great leap to the infinitely small. Johann Bernoulli: Mathematician and Philosopher: Mathematician and philosopher. Annals of Science, 56(4), 433-449.
Goldengorin, B., Sierksma, G., & Tso, M. (1999). The maximization of submodular functions. (A17 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
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Tijssen, GA., & Sierksma, G. (1998). Balinski-Tucker simplex tableaus: Dimensions, degeneracy degrees, and interior points of optimal faces. Mathematical Programming, 81(3), 349-372.
Tijssen, G. A., & Sierksma, G. (1998). Balinski-Tucker simplex tableaux: dimensions, degeneracy degrees and interior points of optimal faces. Mathematical Programming, 349 - 372.
van Dam, J. P., Gaalman, G. J. C., & Sierksma, G. (1998). Designing scheduling systems for packaging in process industries: A tobacco company case. International Journal of Production Economics, 56-57, 649-659.
Sierksma, G. (1998). Interchange graphs and the Hamilton cycle polytope. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 81(1-3), 217-224.
Sierksma, G., & Sierksma, W. (1998). Johann Bernoulli (1667-1748). In H. A. Krop (Ed.), Zeer Kundige Professoren (pp. 119 - 133). Uitgeverij Verloren.
Sierksma, G., & Tijssen, G. A. (1998). Routing helicopters for crew exchanges on off-shore locations. Annals of Operations Research, 76, 261-286.
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Goldengorin, B., Sierksma, G., & Tso, M. (1998). The data-correcting algorithm for supermodular functions, with applications to quadratic cost partition and simple plant location problems. (A08 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.


van der Poort, E. S., & Sierksma, G. (1997). Determining tolerances for the traveling salesman problem; a survey. (A27 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
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van der Poort, E. S., Dimitrijevic, V., & Sierksma, G. (1997). Using stability information for solving the K-best traveling salesman problem. (A29 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
de Vries, J. (1997). An organisation design methodology for business logistics. In M. Muffatto, & K. Pawar (Eds.), Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Logistics: Enhancing Competitiveness through Logistics Capabilities (pp. 69 - 75)


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Sierksma, G., & Sierksma, W. (1996). Geometrical aspects of the limiting process of discrete-time periodic Markov chains. (A05 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
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Gaalman, G. J. C., & Sierksma, G. (1996). Scheduling packaging lines in the process industry. (A21 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
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Libura, M., & Sierksma, G. (1996). Sensitivity analysis based on k-best solutions of the travelling salesman problem. (A14 ed.) University of Groningen, SOM research school.
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