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Customer Insights Center (RUGCIC)
Faculty of Economics and Business
Customer Insights Center (RUGCIC) Student Talent

I am looking for an internship

Students working for the Customer Insights Centre

Gaining professional work experience via an internship is exactly what sets you apart from many other students. Why wouldn't you want to enrich your experience at a well-known company from the list below?

Entry requirements for an internship via CIC

The Customer Insights Center (RUGCIC) offers top-class internships that are not available through the regular channels. Most often you can decide for yourself how many days per week you want to work, where you work and which topic you will research. To qualify for an internship via CIC, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You have an above-average organisational talent and can demonstrate this with experience in a board, committee and/or job.
  • You are reliable and responsible and always keep your promises.
  • You have both the time and the motivation.

Do you meet all those requirements?

Then select a maximum of three companies below for a potential internship and send a your resume together with a cover letter per company to We will invite you for a short interview. If we are impressed, we will send your application to the responsible manager at the company. This means your application won’t end up at the bottom of a stack, but that you actually stand a chance of getting the internship. If the company thinks you are a good fit, they will contact you directly for an interview. Why not try it?


We will offer new internships in June. When they are available, they can be found below.


Look at the internship vacancies on and look at the company members and read into which company would have your preference.
Before the 31rd of May
Send to
1. Your CV
2. Grade overview of Progress
3. A top 3 of preferred companies (Dutch or English)
5th of June
We will let you know via e-mail if you have been selected for an interview with the CIC
7th of June - 13th of June
Interviews of the CIC with selected students will take place.
Before the 14th of June
Selected students will be informed that their CV is forwarded to their companies of preference (max 3). Companies receive a maximum of 3 students CV's per vacancy.
Companies take it from here: they decide if they will contact you for the vacancy.

Stage VodafoneZiggo (Stage market & customer insights)

Wat zijn de behoeften van de klanten vandaag én de toekomst? Voor VodafoneZiggo staat deze vraag centraal voor de verdere groei van ons bedrijf. Market & Customer Insights voert marktanalyses uit op basis van onderzoek data en externe bronnen. 

Als stagiair in het Market & Customer Insights team help jij ons bij deze vraag en houd je je bezig bij het vinden van de juiste en meest actuele insights! Een stagiair(e) draait mee in ons team, maar er ook ruimte om aan een afstudeeropdracht te werken. Je kunt bij ons werken aan verschillende vraagstukken en je verder ontwikkelen. Hierbij coachen wij je gedurende jouw gehele stage. Tegelijkertijd gaan we ervan uit dat je ook tot een bepaalde hoogte zelfredzaam bent. We zoeken een stagiair(e) die graag wil leren en verantwoordelijkheid pakt. Een stagiair(e) die nieuwsgierig is en pro-actief meedenkt over oplossingen. Daarnaast vind je het leuk om mee te werken aan de opzet van onderzoeken (bijvoorbeeld via Qualtrics) en de resultaten hiervan te analyseren en rapporteren.

Een stagiair krijgt bij ons een standaardvergoeding en een teamlid als persoonlijke begeleider.

Wat verwachten wij van jou:

Meedraaien in het team en ondertussen werken aan eigen planning en stage-opdracht/scriptie.

  • Minimaal twee dagen op locatie (Hoog Catharijne in Utrecht) werken.
  • In deze stage werk je mee in het team, maar is er ook ruimte om aan je afstudeerscriptie te werken
  • Er is sprake van een reis- & stagevergoeding
  • Je volgt de master Marketing Management of Marketing Intelligence
  • Je mag zelf met een vraagstuk komen

Wat je van VodafoneZiggo kan verwachten

Een uitdagende omgeving in een leuk team!



Stage Wehkamp (MADS)

De ontwikkelingen in (online) retail gaan razendsnel. Daarom vinden we onszelf al meer dan 70 jaar keer op keer opnieuw uit voor onze klant.

We hebben meer dan 400.000 verschillende producten van meer dan 2.500 merken op het gebied van mode en wonen. En met dagelijks meer dan 600.000 bezoekers op onze website en app bedienen we 2,1 miljoen vaste klanten.

Elke dag zijn we er voor gezinnen in Nederland. Voor de bijna gezinnen en de uitgevlogen gezinnen. Voor de traditionele gezinnen en de samengestelde zinnen. Kortom, we zijn er voor elk gezin, ongeacht de fase, samenstelling of afkomst. Met onze persoonlijke shopervaring, relevante collecties, inspirerende content en ongeëvenaarde service helpen wij hen dagelijks om alles uit hun leven te halen.

Een succesvol merk is een merk dat inspireert. En achter dit inspirerende merk staan ruim 900 betrokken collega’s in een transparante organisatie. Wehkamp heeft dan ook een open bedrijfscultuur waar veel ruimte is voor creativiteit, ontwikkeling en eigen inbreng.

Onze uitdaging:

Wehkamp heeft als doel om de nummer één te worden in de hoofden en harten van alle gezinnen. Om dit te realiseren zullen we altijd precies moeten weten wie onze (potentiële) klanten zijn en hoe we hen het beste kunnen bedienen. Data staat hierbij centraal. Onze marketing analisten zorgen ervoor dat we met de juiste analyses de customer journey van onze klanten nog beter weten te begrijpen en kunnen voorspellen. 

 Jouw uitdaging:

Als stagiair vind je het uitdagend om inzichten te verwerven uit de enorme hoeveelheid beschikbare data. Je bent op de hoogte van de nieuwste analysetechnieken en weet die goed toe te passen. Samen met ons definieer je een onderzoeksopdracht die jou de mogelijkheid geeft je talenten te benutten en die ons waardevolle actiematige inzichten biedt. Logischerwijs is het voor ons het meest belangrijk dat jij je Master succesvol weet af te ronden. En als de tijd het toelaat zullen we je op ad hoc basis betrekken bij de lopende opdrachten van onze marketing analisten.

Wat verwachten wij van jou:

Als stagiair binnen onze afdeling, Marketing Analytics, verwachten we een gezonde nieuwsgierigheid naar onze activiteiten, sterke analytische vaardigheden, ervaring met het werken met data-analysetools, en een gedreven en proactieve houding. Kantoor- en thuiswerkdagen in overleg.

Wat mag je van ons verwachten:

Je zult door je collega’s op een betrokken wijze begeleid worden. Wij helpen je met het ontdekken van onze data omgeving, het uitvoeren van je concrete analyses en de interpretatie van de uitkomsten. En met morele steun als het even wat tegenzit. Maar uiteraard zit je zelf het meest aan het stuur om van deze periode een succes te maken. Daarnaast zal je terechtkomen in een informeel team waar iedereen altijd open staat voor een praatje en geregeld wat georganiseerd wordt. De financiële vergoeding bedraagt € 500,- per maand.

 Kortom, ben jij een ambitieuze student op zoek naar een uitdagende stageplek waar je jouw analytische vaardigheden kunt ontwikkelen en je scriptie kunt schrijven in een dynamische werkomgeving? Dan is deze stage bij ons Marketing Analytics Team de perfecte kans voor jou!

DVJ Insights


We provide you with the opportunity to write your thesis with our data. You have the opportunity to work at the DVJ office in Utrecht either for some days a week or also for a whole week and ‘work along’. There is the option to work from home, which is the default if you only write your thesis based on our data. In case of working along, you would work partly on your thesis and partly on other projects, unrelated to your thesis. You will also follow different courses from our onboarding program for new researchers that teaches you among others how we work at DVJ Insights, how to develop a questionnaire, and how to program the survey in our survey software. The internships allowance is €400 per month when you work 40 hours a week.


DVJ Insights is an ambitious, innovative and fast-growing marketing research agency located in the Netherlands, the UK, Germany and Sweden with the ambition to be the best global agency for brand growth. We add value by helping our clients to better understand consumer behaviour, improve their brand positioning, realise more successful product introductions, and increase the effectiveness of their media campaigns. At DVJ Insights, almost 100 passionate colleagues from 5 different locations work for clients such as Philips, Samsung, Beiersdorf, Heineken, Cloetta, Domino’s, Nestlé, ING, Rituals, and the Dutch Central Government. We are a dynamic and informal place to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds.


The opportunity to write your thesis at DVJ and be able to work with our data. We are conducting internal meta-analyses on a regular basis but want to learn even more from all the data we gather. By conducting research on our databases, we can gather a lot of general learnings on why some innovations are successful, how advertising becomes more effective, why brands grow and why they don’t, and the way media deployment can be optimised.

Therefore, you get the opportunity to work with data that is interesting, very rich and practically relevant. Furthermore, you will be able to use sophisticated econometric modelling to find interesting insights, both from an academic as well as a practical perspective. For a thesis topic, we can develop a topic together, and you would be able to use our panel for data collection. Or, since we conduct so many different studies and we have a lot of data, you have the option to work on one of the following topics:

  1. Shopper missions (Marketing Analytics topic). For our clients we sometimes conduct customer journey or shopper mission studies. In those studies we examine what needs are triggers to go to the store and buy. Based on those studies we can identify different shopper missions, such as the shopper on the go, or doing the large groceries. Additionally, we have purchase data from Danish supermarkets available at the individual level for about two years, which was registered via an app. Thus, it includes all purchase receipts including product information for different supermarkets in different regions. There is also information on the users, namely age and region where they live. This enables you to examine whether the shopper missions as identified, can also be distinguished in the data. Combining this again with background information of the users, leads to rich insights on shopper missions and consumers. More specifically, one can think of the following research questions: Are certain categories bought more/less often for certain shopper missions? Are certain types of products (i.e., A-brands, private label, different pack sizes) more/less popular for certain shopper missions? Are certain consumers price sensitive for certain shopper missions? Do we observe brand loyalty versus variety seeking? Etc. etc.
  2. Packaging (Marketing Analytics & Management topic). In today’s market, brands whose products are sold in retail face several challenges. As shelf space increasingly comes at a premium, each product will have to compete with many others for the consumer’s attention. And, especially for fast-moving consumer goods, where consumer involvement is relatively low and decision-making is primarily based on heuristic cues, it becomes vital that, within a fraction of seconds, a product’s package is able to capture the consumer’s attention and is identified as belonging to the brand (so that the product’s main features will also be linked to the brand). Therefore, DVJ’s vision is that a proper pack test should not only force consumers to pay attention to a package in evaluating it, but should also measure whether the package is able to immediately attract (positive) attention and link its key features to the brand. This database contains evaluation, associations and attention metrics for approximately 150 packs from about 10 countries and different categories. A few example research questions can be: what determines the success of packaging? Which elements are crucial for standing out on the shelf and what determines brand recall?
  3. AI based eye-tracking validation (Marketing Analytics & Management topic). Recently we have been partnering up with a party that is able to predict with an AI-based tool, where people will look at an ad. They trained their AI tool on real eye-tracking data. We would like to know more about how the AI eye-tracking metrics relate to other elements from our pretest. One can think of the following questions (but do not feel limited to those): How does the online eye-tracking correspond to our own mouse-tracking? How does the online eyetracking relate to evaluation of an ad, brand recall, and engagement? What are elements in ads that generate much attention? And which less?
  4. Cross-country differences in advertising response (Marketing Analytics & Management topic). Many brands nowadays operate at least at a somewhat global scale, i.e. they sell their products, and advertise them, across multiple countries. However, we still quite often observe the exact same advertisements being used across different countries, either because of the desire to save costs, or because one assumes that the advertisement will be perceived in a similar way across different markets. However, is this actually the case? Do typical "style elements" in ads invoke the same response across countries, or are there profound differences? And if so, can these differences be conceptually linked to the attributes of these countries (e.g. their national culture, socio-economic position, et cetera)? This project would require the coding of different ads in terms of several "style elements" they may or may not be using. We have different datasets available with different types of ads, namely for TV, TikTok, Online video, or OOH. We also have one specific dataset containing only Christmas TV commercials.
  5. Valuable open ended feedback (Marketing Analytics & Management topic). In marketing research, we aim to collect respondents opinions and attitudes around a plethora of topics. Much market research relies only on quantitative measures such as pre-defined statements and questions. However, the danger is that important things are missed. And therefore, it is important to start with letting respondents share their stories and associations around a certain topic, without limiting them to pre-defined statements. However, the added value of this approach all lies within the richness of the open answers. We already did some internal tests to see how we can enhance richness of the open answers, for example by using a social nudge and through AI-SmartProbing technology (using AI to ask follow-up questions). What are more ways to ensure qualitatively rich open answers in online survey research? Are there any new ways known in academic research and if so, how effective are these? And related to this: what are cost and time efficient ways to filter out AI-generated answers?


A master student (M/F/O) with a marketing (research) or psychology/consumer behaviour background. Do you recognise yourself in these points? We are looking for someone who:

  • Is studying econometrics, data science, computer science, marketing management, marketing research, psychology, (technical) business studies, or anything related
  • Is interested in consumer research and the why behind the what
  • Loves (marketing) data and modelling
  • Knows how to handle big data from multiple sources
  • Can identify interesting research topics based on (patterns in) the available data
  • Has excellent knowledge of different statistical software packages such as SPSS or R
  • Has excellent knowledge of MS Office
  • Is fluent in English
  • Is willing to go the extra mile
  • Has high quality standards
Members RUGCIC
Members RUGCIC
Last modified:29 April 2024 1.11 p.m.
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