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Centre of expertise In the LEAD
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre of expertise In the LEAD Practice

Lectures & webinars

Every year In the LEAD organises lectures on a wide range of topics relating to the leadership and performance of organisations. The knowledge developed by our professors and researchers is packaged clearly and comprehensibly into useful information that can be put to practical use. These lectures equip (top-level) managers and (HR) professionals with knowledge and insights that they can apply in their own practice.

Upcoming lectures:
Winter Kennisfestival 2025 
When:Th 27-02-2025
Where:KOMOOST, Oosterstraat 13a, Groningen
GLCR Annual meeting
From:Th 08-05-2025
Until:Fr 09-05-2025

Viewing past lectures

Webinar for Venster: The forgotten benefits of management quality | Janka Stoker & Harry Garretsen

Janka Stoker and Harry Garretsen gave a webinar for Venster (a program of the Dutch Ministry of the interior and Kingdom Relations) on 6 April 2023, about the forgotten benefits of management quality. In the webinar, the professors present their research on the quality of management in public administration and shed light on the difference between the quality of managent and the role of the individual manager.

Watch the webinar (in Dutch) on Vimeo.

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Summarizing visual (copyright:

Video lecture for the Order of Organizational Experts and Advisors | Janka Stoker

Janka Stoker gave a video lecture for the Order of Organizational Experts and Advisors (OOA) on 22 March 2023, on good leadership in uncertain times. The video lecture is part of a series that OOA launched in the fall of 2022 with the goal of contributing to the professional development of anyone working in the practice of research and consulting.

The first edition of the Talkshow The State of leadership | Janka Stoker & Harry Garretsen

Rewatch the Talkshow >>

Watch the aftermovie >>

Watch the animation on the How of hybrid work >> -> by Cliff van Thillo, the sketcher

Watch the animation on the Why of hybrid work >> -> by Cliff van Thillo, the sketcher

Janka Stoker and Harry Garretsen in the Talkshow The State of leadership
Janka Stoker and Harry Garretsen in the Talkshow The State of leadership

Video Hersensap 2017 | Janka Stoker

RABO International Business Day | Harry Garretsen

Harry Garretsen gave a lecture entitled ‘Geography as a critical success factor’ at the RABO International Business Day in Utrecht on 8 September 2015. The lecture was about the role geography plays in international business. To view his presentation:

Divosa congres | Janka Stoker

Janka Stoker was a guest speaker at the Divosa conference. To view her presentation:

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