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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Expeditie NEXT

Sfeerimpressie Expeditie NEXT 2022

Datum:31 mei 2022

Vrijdag 6 mei 2022 was het zover: de tweede editie van Expeditie NEXT, hét wetenschapsfestival voor kinderen, vond deze keer plaats in de Friese stad Franeker. Dit festival werd vanuit de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda georganiseerd met als doel de interesse...

Jochen Mierau

Terugblik naar Jochen Mierau zijn tijd bij de Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health

Datum:30 mei 2022
Jochen Mierau, wetenschappelijk directeur van de Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health (AJSPH), begint vanaf 1 juli aan zijn nieuwe benoeming tot wetenschappelijk directeur van Lifelines.
Maximilian Frentz-Göllnitz

ATN Blog - Differences in Late-Life Depression among Intra-European Migrants

Datum:30 mei 2022
Population aging and population diversity are two dominant trends of demographic change that have a substantial impact for societies. However, getting older no longer just means healthy ageing
Henk Snapper & Wieke Paulusma

Hi!Noord Podcast - Aflevering 1

Datum:16 mei 2022
De eerste aflevering van de Hi!Noord Podcast staat live! Hi!Noord trapt af met Henk Snapper, vice-voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van het UMCG en Wieke Paulusma, Tweede Kamerlid voor D66.
Alyona Artamonova

ATN Blog - On characteristics of family members and usage of formal care services in older adulthood

Datum:28 april 2022
Alyona Artamonova, PhD candidate at the Department of Demography, Faculty of Spatial Sciences (RUG). Her thesis is part of the Family Ties project; contact:
Annual overview 2021

Aletta Annual Overview 2021

Datum:07 april 2022

Dear Alettas,

Professor Stuart W. Flint

Aletta Research Meet-up Keynote: The pervasiveness and impact of weight stigma and discrimination; why we need to act!

Datum:29 maart 2022

On April 14, 2022, the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health will host the Aletta Research Meet-up on the topic of obesity. Leading up to the event, Aletta has been interviewing the event keynote speakers. For this interview we’re delving deeper into the...

Wesley Gruijthuijsen

ATN Blog - Searching for the best place to age

Datum:28 maart 2022

Wesley Gruijthuijsen ( is a PhD candidate at the division of Geography and Tourism at KU Leuven (Belgium), conducting research into ageing-in-place and the importance of informal care and distance. He has a background in...

Mirjam Kaijser, keynote at Aletta Research Meet-up on 14 April 2022

Aletta Research Meet-up keynote: If prevention, and all else, fails - an introduction to bariatric surgery

Datum:18 maart 2022

On April 14, 2022, the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health will host the Aletta Research Meet-up on the topic of obesity. Leading up to the event, Aletta will be interviewing the event keynote speakers. We start with Mirjam Kaijser, bariatric surgeon at...

Christiaan Eijkman Medal

Second Christiaan Eijkman Medal Announced

Datum:15 maart 2022

KIT is pleased to announce that they have received very strong nominations for this year’s Christiaan Eijkman medal for research in the field of Global Health, and a winner will be announced later in the year.

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