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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Publish Copyright Information Point Dealing with copyright in education Sources


Infographic guidelines reuse material: Infographic vuistregels hergebruik: 1. Source reference (Always cite the source: - Author - Title - Publisher - Year of publication) 2. Direct linking (Always use direct links, unless there is no other option) 3. Open Access (Use Open Access content whenever possible) 4. Permission (Do you have (written) consent from the copyright holder (usually the publisher?)

More information on reuse copyrighted material in your courses:

E-learning (Brightspace)

Free - What is always permitted?

There are a few ways to include images in Brightspace without infringing copyright or incurring additional costs.

  • Using links: Using links to refer to an image in a digital resource (for which the UB has a license) is always permitted.

  • Open Content: Images published under a Creative Commons license can always be reused and uploaded to Brightspace free of charge, provided you adhere to the terms of the specific license. There are a lot of images online that are shared openly. Europeana has a large database of open-access historical art and photos. AnatomyTOOL offers open educational resources for anatomy. You can also use the Creative Commons website to search for open-access images on Pixabay and Flickr.

    On this page of our Open Education LibGuide you will find several websites that host open images.
  • Quotations: Using an image as substantive support for scientific purposes is allowed. Remember to use a proper reference.This only applies if an image is a relevant addition, so no funny or entertaining pictures for decorative purposes.
Paid extracts
Easy access

Each year, the UG/UMCG pays an advance amount for materials used and for which no prior permission had to be requested. This amount is based on the size and number of extracts used in the previous year.

Easy Access: what is permitted?

You can use no more than 25 images from a publication, with no more than 10 images from the same creator.
Please note: The number of images used for the entire course are added together. For example, if you use 14 images from the same publication twice within the same course, this no longer counts as Easy Access.
For every image you are required to cite the source; see Frequently Asked Questions on how to make a proper citation.

Longer extracts?

If you want to use more than 25 images, or more than 10 images from the same creator, you must obtain the explicit prior permission of the copyright holder, for which a fee is often charged.

If you want to use a long extract from a source, the University Library can also find out whether the source is available to purchase (digitally), so that students can have access to it. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you need advice or support regarding long extracts: copyright UMCG staff may contact auteursrecht

Be critical of extracts: retain more resources for other educational matters

Wherever possible, use the free options described above. If this does not work, keep the extract as short as possible (within Easy Access, a short extract costs less than a medium extract). In this way, the RUG/UMCG retains more money for other educational matters. Read more about the RUG/UMCG's policy on the reuse of copyrighted works in education.


Free - What is always permitted?

There are three ways in which you can include images in a reader without infringing copyright or incurring additional costs.

  • Using links: Using links to refer to an image in a digital resource (for which the UB has a license) is always permitted.

  • Open Content: Images published under a Creative Commons license can always be reused, provided you adhere to the terms of the the specific license. Europeana has a large database of open-access historical art and photos. AnatomyTOOL offers open educational resources for anatomy. You can also use the Creative Commons website to search for open-access images on Pixabay and Flickr.

    See for more information on this subject: Open Education .
  • Quotations: Using an image as substantive support for scientific purposes is allowed. Remember to use a proper reference.This only applies if an image is a relevant addition, so no funny or entertaining pictures for decorative purposes.

Paid extracts
Easy Access

Each year, the UG/UMCG pays an advance amount for materials used and for which no prior permission had to be requested. This amount is based on the size and number of extracts used in the previous year.
Please note: The Easy Access scheme only applies to education for students enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme at the UG/UMCG. All other types of education are excluded from the Easy Access scheme.

Easy Access: what is permitted?

You can use no more than 25 images from a publication, with no more than 10 images from the same creator. For every image you are required to cite the source; see Frequently Asked Questions on how to make a proper citation.
Please note: The number of images used for the entire course is added together. For example, if you use 14 images from the same publication twice within the same course, this no longer counts as Easy Access.

Longer extracts?

If you want to use more than 25 images, or more than 10 images from the same creator, you must obtain the explicit prior permission of the copyright holder, for which a fee is often charged.

If you want to use a long extract from a source, the University Library can also find out whether the source is available to purchase (digitally), so that students can have access to it. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you need advice or support regarding long extracts: copyright UMCG staff may contact auteursrecht

Be critical of extracts: retain more resources for other educational matters

Wherever possible, use the free options described above. If this does not work, keep the extract as short as possible (within Easy Access, a short extract costs less than a medium extract). In this way, the UG/UMCG retains more money for other educational matters. Read more about the UG/UMCG's policy on the reuse of copyrighted works in education.


Using images in lectures

For lectures, you have a lot of freedom when it comes to reusing materials. You can include an unlimited number of images from articles or books in your presentation, as well as video and audio material, provided that the material meets the following conditions:

  • It is used for educational purposes and forms part of the curriculum.
  • It is used for non-profit-making educational purposes (this is the case for education and teaching provided for UG/UMCG students).
  • You include a reference to the copyright.
  • It is used within the walls of the UG/UMCG or during a live online lecture within the secured electronic learning environment.
  • The Easy Access scheme only applies to education for students enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme at the UG/UMCG. All other types of education are excluded from the Easy Access scheme.

PLEASE NOTE: These rules only apply to the use of materials for educational purposes. If you then upload your presentation to Brightspace, the rules for using images on Brightspace apply (see above, under the heading 'E-learning (Brightspace)'.

Please also note: If you record your lectures and then disseminate those recordings at a later date, additional rules also apply.

Last modified:21 October 2024 12.02 p.m.
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