Study associations Faculty of Science & Engineering
Here you can find the study associations that are affiliated to the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Atmos Groningen is the first and only study association in the North of the Netherlands for students that are passionate about energy, environment and sustainability. As an association our aim is to foster a strong and motivated student community who are looking to venture into the realms of sustainability, energy transition and environment. Our student community currently comprises of individuals from diverse academic backgrounds and ethnicities. We focus on creating opportunities which facilitate networking among students and leaders from within and outside academia. We organize both career and social events which include - monthly drink, soft-skill workshops, career days and other such activities. Moreover, we are looking to organize excursions and in-house days as well as a trip abroad with our members in the future! Our monthly newsletter and LinkedIn page functions to keep our members informed of the developments and job prospects within the field.

The Fysisch-Mathematische Faculteitsvereniging is the Physics and Mathematics faculty association of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. The association pursues three objectives. The first objective is to contribute to the broadening of the scientific education of its members by organizing various activities in the scientific field. Furthermore, the association aims to promote contact between students, and between the students and the academic staff through informal activities. The final objective is to represent the interests of its members, insofar as they relate to their studies or future work environment, by organizing symposia, excursions and company visits.

The Gronings Technologen Dispuut Bernoulli is the study association for students with an interest in process and product technology. The association is mainly focuses on students from the third year of the bachelor program and from the two years of the master program of Chemical Engineering. The main purpose of G.T.D. Bernoulli is to promote contact between the students themselves and the Department of Chemical Engineering. In addition, the association tries to maintain good contact with the business community and to give students a picture of what is possible in the field of Chemical Engineering by excursions and symposia.

De Chemische Binding is the study association for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The association helps its members to prepare for their future by organizing several excursions to companies in the chemical & chemical engineering industry. This way members get an idea what a business career looks like. Furthermore the association also organizes activities such as symposia and lectures. Furthermore, De Chemische Binding aims to contribute to the strengthening of bonds between students by organizing various social activities.

Cover is the study association for Artificial Intelligence and Computing Science at the University of Groningen. The association organizes every week a variety of social, educational and career related activities.

Groninger Lifesciences Association Idun is the study association for Biology and Life Science & Technology and subsequent Master tracks at the University of Groningen. The association organizes a variety of activities. For instance GLV Idun organizes social activities such as a trip abroad, but also different career and study-related activities, such as field trips, trips to companies and lectures. This way GLV Idun contributes to fun student years for its members and helps prepare them for their future career.

TBV Lugus is the study association for all students of Mechanical Engineering and Systems & Control at the University of Groningen. TBV Lugus organises a variety of social, educational and career related activities. It also offers events focused on personal development.

The Groningse Pharmaceutical Students Association "Pharmaciae Sacrum" is the study association for students Pharmacy and related pharmaceutical studies. The association organizes for its members a variety of career related activities, such as workshops, lunchseminars and educative field trips in the Netherlands and abroad. In march P.S. organizes annually a careersday. Furthermore, P.S. offers an overview of vacancies on its website.
T.F.V. 'Professor Francken'

‘Professor Francken’ is the study association for Applied Physics, connected to the University of Groningen. It is named after Groningen’s first professor of Applied Physics and is for students and staff of the applied physics departments. The association organizes, among others, field trips in the Netherlands, an annual symposium and a foreign excursion. Various activities, including the introductory activities for first-year students and the Bèta-bedrijvendagen (a career event for science students), are organised in partnership with sister associations.

Sirius A is the study association for all bachelor and master students in Astronomy. Sirius A was founded in 2016 so is still fairly young. Based at the Kapteyn Institute, our aim is to support students during their study via numerous practice sessions, and we inform them on future career prospects. We also promote social bonding between students by organising many social events, and we offer the possibility for students to participate in one of our many committees to explore and develop their qualities outside of astronomy.
Last modified: | 21 March 2024 2.42 p.m. |