Aletta Talent Network Meeting
Wanneer: | do 18-04-2019 17:00 - 19:00 |
Waar: | Onderwijscentrum room 13, UMCG (Winkelstraat, second floor) |
Speaker of this meeting: Simon Groen - "Fish don't know they're in the water: About refugees, culture and (mental) health care."
Simon Groen (1968) works as a cultural anthropologist at "De Evenaar", centre for Transcultural Psychiatry in the North of the Netherlands (GGZ Drenthe, Beilen). De Evenaar provides psychiatrich healthcare to refugees, asylumseekers, and migrants. He researches the relationship between cultural identity and psychopathology in Afghan and Iraqi refugees. He has published in journals such as Transcultural Psychiatry, Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, and the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. He has given lectures and workshops on culture and mental health both within the Netherlands and internationally.
Click here for more information about the Aletta's Talent Network.