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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Student assistants needed for preparation of public engagement shows

Datum:18 mei 2021
Are you the Aletta we are looking for?
Are you the Aletta we are looking for?

For the European Researcher’s night (24 September 2021), Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health organizes a programme for the public (project called Food IQ) that promotes science and scientists around the topic of healthy food in an interactive, accessible, and innovative way. For this project we are looking for two student assistents to help with the preperations of this project. 

The programme comprises of three parts:

  • ‘Aletta’s Kitchen’ shows in Forum Groningen (one for children and one for adults),
  • Education program in primary schools,
  • Interactive installation in Forum Groningen.

The main goal of the Food IQ project is to teach residents of the Northern Netherlands (especially with lower social-economic status) of all ages more about healthy food, the impact of science on public health and about researchers and their profession.

For the preparation of the Alletta’s Kitchen shows , we are looking for two student assistants:

Student Assistant 1: Target audience research and involvement in development of the shows

Tasks description:

  • Contact local communities with potentially low SES 
  • Organize meetings (focus groups) with some members of the communities to explore their ideas, feedback etc.
  • Arrange that some of the members participate in the programme as guest speakers to share their stories.


  • Dutch native speaker
  • Preferably a student of
  • communication/psychology/marketing/media/education.
  • 10-12 hours a week (depending on your availability)
  • Start: as soon as possible
  • End: 9 July 2021

Student Assistant 2: Support for communication and stage preparation of the shows

Tasks description:

  • Provide support during preparation activities for the Aletta’s Kitchen shows, for example.:
    • Participate in designing the stage
    • Arranging props needed for the stage
    • Arranging transportation
    • Participating in development and distribution of communication materials


  • Preferably a student of communication or marketing
  • 8 hours a week
  • Start: 23 August 2021
  • End: 30 September 2021

Please apply by 20 May 2021 with your CV and short motivation email (max 200 words).

If interested, one applicant can apply for both spots.

For more information and application, please contact Gabriela Matouskova (g.matouskova, Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health.

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