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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Collaborations


Connection with society

At Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health we connect questions from the field with scientific knowledge. Our integrated approach helps solve complex public health issues and contributes to both short- and long-term solutions.

Working together for social impact
We work closely with various social parties, such as municipalities, GGDs, health insurers and governments. Through these networks we link current health issues to scientific knowledge.

Knowledge as a basis for health policy
We contribute to agenda setting by using current scientific knowledge. We translate this knowledge into practice through events, local networks and lobbying, thus delivering added value for health.

Customized advice: Aletta Advies
With Aletta Advies we offer organizations expert advice and scientific insights for public health issues, aimed at a healthier future.

Last modified:17 September 2024 09.36 a.m.
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