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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Education


University of Groningen

We train for a new (complex) world, where we focus our education on developing skills to deal with this complexity. We see students broadly: from young students to adults, lifelong learning. Together with our partners, we create innovative learning programs for all career phases. Interdisciplinarity and collaboration with society are central. We recognize that everyone is a knowledge bearer and that major health challenges can only be tackled together.

In addition to developing innovative, challenge-based education, we are concerned with profiling the Northern Netherlands as the place for health education. The online Platform LEEF has been set up for this purpose, a platform where various training courses are presented based on the major challenges in health. In the menu on the left you will also find the educational programs of the RUG, Hanze and NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences in the field of health.

Our goal is to create an environment where students learn that collaboration and interdisciplinarity are crucial for solving complex problems, especially in the field of health.

Last modified:17 September 2024 09.44 a.m.
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