We Explore
Thought for action; Together for more healthy years.
This is our dream. To be able to realise it we translated our various fields of expertise into five key themes. By focussing on these themes, their specific programmes and the three methods according to which each programme is carried out, we create the optimal accelerator in our journey towards reaching our goal: more healthy years for everyone. In the visual and the short descriptions of the themes below (and on the underlying pages) you can see and read more.

Theme: Resilience
R esilience is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt to aversive events, and to return to their pre-event equilibrium. What is lack of resilience? How is it measured? What makes some individuals or communities less resilient than others? What are potential ways of increasing resilience? These are interesting questions. We put all of our expertise at work to answer them. Want to know more? Click here .
Theme: Participation
Among other things health is about how people can contribute to society in a work-related way. There is an interaction between their ability to work, the work they do and their health. On the basis of this premise we explore matters like millennials with burn-out complaints and what the fact that people have to keep on working longer (to an older age) does to their health. Want to know more? Click here .
Theme: Sustainability
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major, worldwide threat. We have identified antibiotic resistance as the most important issue of sustainability for our health care. If we do not solve this problem, in ten years’ time will simply not be able to operate on patients anymore. Our focus for the coming five years will be the microbiological comparison of AMR in the border regions, interventional modelling of the epi-network and the development of appropriate infection prevention. Want to know more? Click here .
Theme: Justice
What is one’s basic right to health? Health chances are not the same for everyone. There are socio-economic differences. Within this theme we want to examine on a broader scale how we can secure fairer health rights for different and future generations, the role of the legislator in this, and how legislation can contribute to it. Want to know more? Click here .
Theme: Capability
Health is a function of predisposition and biology, as well as lifestyle. People of all ages make decisions every day that affect how healthy their lifestyle is. We embrace an approach that captures both the conditions that influence health and people’s abilities to make healthy choices. Within this theme we focus on the possibilities and capabilities individuals have to create more healthy years for themselves. Want to know more? Click here .
Last modified: | 24 September 2021 11.54 a.m. |