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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Research Aletta Research Network

Substance Use

Michelle Bruijn
My name is Michelle Bruijn and I work at the Faculty of Law, Department of Legal Methods. My research focuses on the developments within the fields of drug and tobacco control. The research on drug control focuses on the underlying rationales for the policies on recreational cannabis in the Netherlands and Canada, the possibilities that international law provide to regulate recreational cannabis, the use of eviction – removing persons from premises – to fight drug-related activities, the legal protection against these drug-related evictions, and the influence of human rights in drug eviction cases. My research on tobacco control focuses on the legal aspects of smoke free policies in the Netherlands, specifically the municipality of Groningen and the municipality of Rotterdam.

Michelle Bruijn
Michelle Bruijn
Last modified:26 July 2021 3.11 p.m.