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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Agenda



Workshop with the Youths: Stress

(This workshop was in Dutch)
As the main focus of the Research Meet-up are children and their health, we also want to get them involved in our programme to shed light on their perspective. Lizanne Schweren and Frederike Jorg have prepared an interactive session with children (young adults) who will have a mediated discussion about stressors in children’s daily life. Together with the audience, they will try to look for solutions of these stressful situations.

GGD Fryslân: Alcohol Use and Society

Alcohol consumption is of all times, from the moment that Jesus turned water into wine, the middle ages and the 21th century. Nowadays, most people know that alcohol is damaging to their health. Nevertheless, they still drink too often and too much. Especially in western society, we live in a culture where the social norm is to drink alcohol.

If we want to raise a healthy population, we have to counter the drinking culture. Alcohol has damaging effects on health, traffic safety and increases the chance on violence and unsafe sex. But how do we change a culture?

In this workshop, GGD Fryslân introduces the Frisian health program Platform Nuchtere Fries which aims to prevent alcohol consumption among  young adults (age 12-24 years), explore the cultural concepts of Deal & Kennedy and provide it with examples from practice, and work on substitutions for alcohol based on values.


The Built and the Body

The origins of many chronic non-communicable diseases can be traced back to life-course socioeconomic, environmental and lifestyle factors. Prevention policies promoting a healthy lifestyle and supporting healthy environmental living circumstances might therefore be effective in decreasing the burden of disease. The physical environment should promote healthy lifestyle choices, and where to start better than with our youngest? In this session, the influence of the environment on childrens’ health, and school-based interventions for children’s health will be discussed.

Intergenerational Transmission

How do parents influence the health of their children? Can we influence the resilience of our kids? What does the economic context of older generations mean for new generations? In this session, we explore the intergenerational transmission of human capital, resource sharing and mortality in a global perspective, and the influence of parents on children’s resilience.

Mental Health

Mental health problems represent a big challenge for health over the life-span, as many young people suffer from mental health issues, which appear relatively early in life and tend to have a composite effect over the life cycle. This effect leads to large losses in income and well-being for both the individual and society as a whole. In this session, research on mental health among children and young adults is discussed, as well as practical interventions aimed at young people with mental health problems.

The Social Context

No man is an island. Naturally, this goes for children as well. How does the social context that young people grow up in affect their health and well-being? And how can we influence it in such a way that it supports our goal of raising a healthy generation? This session is about the social networks of children and social determinants of health.

Last modified:06 January 2021 12.00 p.m.