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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Agenda

Cross-border Healthcare Research Meet-up

Meet-up 5 November

On 22 November 2019 the Cross-border Healthcare Research Meet-up took place at the Hermans Dijkstra boerderij in Midwolda. The event was organized by the Cross-border Institute of Healthcare Systems and Prevention, which is a joint initiative of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health in Groningen and the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Oldenburg.

Around 85 researchers, healthcare professionals and healthcare policy makers from Groningen, Oldambt, Nijmegen, Leer and Oldenburg came together to connect, share and explore options to cooperate in future cross-border healthcare research projects within our region.

Overview of the day:

The opening of the event was made by Alex Friedrich.

An overview of the current activities of the Cross-border Institute of Healthcare Systems and Prevention was presented by Lena Ansmann from the University of Oldenburg.

Lena Ansmann
Lena Ansmann

21 research proposals were presented addressing different healthcare challenges from a cross-border perspective in two main fields: life-course health and mobility and prevention of antibiotic resistance. These presentations were organized in three sessions.

Also Ilona Heijen from INTERREG Deutschland-Nederland made a presentation explaining how this program works a promote cross-border cooperation.

In the afternoon, a networking activity was performed. During this activity, participants from each side of the border worked together in several groups. They discussed a cross-border healthcare challenge from our region and then they formulated a research question to address such challenge.

The meet-up was closed with some drinks, were participants had the opportunity to continue exchanging ideas and making connections.

Participants making connections while enjoying a drink

This event was funded by Interreg Deutschland-Nederland.

Last modified:12 April 2022 2.53 p.m.