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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Open Access Archiving in Pure

Archiving in Pure

(Self-)archiving (or green open access) refers to the practice of depositing a publication in an institutional repository, such as Pure, the research information system of the UG.

Archiving in the UG’s institutional repository Pure

As from 1 May 2021, the publisher’s versions (see glossary below) of all short works (articles and book chapters) by UG/UMCG staff that have not been published open access will be made open access via Pure six months after publication, with reference to the original publication source.

This is possible thanks to Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act (also known as Taverne amendment), which grants Dutch-affiliated researchers the right to make their short academic works open to the public for free after a short embargo period. To facilitate the implementation of the Taverne amendment, the UG established new open access procedural regulations.

Open Access - Taverne on MyUniversity.

Funder requirements (for immediate open access)

Should your research funder (e.g. NWO or Horizon Europe) require you to share your publications immediately (no embargo), you may upload your final author’s version (see glossary below) in Pure via this form.


Final author’s version: the version that follows the peer review process and has been accepted for publication. This version does not include the publisher’s formatting, such as page numbers, volume and issue. Also known as: ‘author’s accepted manuscript’ (AAM) or ‘post-print’.

Publisher’s version: the final PDF of the published article. Also known as: ‘version of record’.

Open access support: openaccess | openaccess

Do you have questions on open access that are specific to your discipline? Contact one of the open science ambassadors at the University's faculties.

Last modified:23 January 2024 09.47 a.m.
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