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Research GBB Research GBB focus

Chemical- and Synthetic Biology

Chemical- and Synthetic Biology are rapidly expanding within GBB and through strategic collaborations the expertise of the classical disciplines physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics / informatics are forged to study complex cellular processes and to (re)design and engineer cell systems. GBB aims at developing molecular approaches to design and synthesize bioactive and biomimetic molecules for use as chemical tools in studying and manipulating biological processes. With the design of novel functional (semi) biological components, devices and systems, using biobricks or analogues, we also aim to (re)construct and engineer existing biological processes to come to dedicated and specific applications in the fields of chemistry, biorefinery and nanobiotechnology.

Note: GBB together with the Stratingh Institute for Organic Chemistry and the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials are the founders of the Centre for Synthetic Biology at the University of Groningen.

Principal GBB scientists

Prof.dr. B. Poolman, Prof.dr. A.J.M. Driessen, Prof.dr. O.P. Kuipers, Prof.dr. R.A.L. Bovenberg, Prof.dr. D.B. Janssen, Prof.dr. M.W. Fraaije, Prof.dr. I.J. van der Klei, Prof.dr. J. Kok, Prof.dr. M. Heinemann, Prof.dr. D.J. Slotboom.

Last modified:30 May 2014 12.08 p.m.