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About us Faculty of Law International programmes LLB programme 2025-2026 Practical information

Student facilities

(Image: The centrally located University Library offers a large wide-ranging collection of publications, plenty of workspaces, and modern research rooms. Photo by Pieter Dol)

Röling Building
The Faculty of Law is located in the Röling Building in the city centre of Groningen, just next to the University Library and diagonal from the pituresque Academie Building. The International Office as well as the administrative offices of the Faculty are all housed in the Röling Building.

The University Library (UB) is situated in the centre of Groningen. All students enrolled in the University of Groningen and all staff members are entitled to use the library. In order to borrow a book or journal one needs a library pass, which is your student card at the same time. The UB has several reading and study rooms with a total capacity of 1600 seats; it is open every day, including Saturday and Sunday.

All University Libraries offer their users access to the electronic catalogues of the University of Groningen (OPC), nationwide catalogues and other electronic catalogues. All students can also request for books and articles from other libraries (through a so-called IBL-account). The University Library is also home to the Law Library.

In the Faculty building, computer (including internet, e-mail and printer) facilities are available for all students. Besides this, the buildings of the Law Faculty have a Wi-Fi-connection, so laptops can be used everywhere on the premises of the Law Faculty.

Electronic learning environment (Brightspace)
Brightspace is the electronic learning environment of the University of Groningen. Lecturers can use this system to provide students with all kinds of information about their course, but also to support their course. Next to this system, the University of Groningen also uses Progresswww, a system through which the registration for examinations, the ordering of readers and the checking of results can be conducted.

Language courses
Students that are interested in taking language courses while they are in Groningen can contact the  Language Centre. The University of Groningen also offers free Dutch language courses to new international students that are participating in an English-taught degree programme at the University of Groningen. Please consult the Language Centre for further details about available courses.

At the ACLO, the Groningen University Sports Foundation, students and staff of the University can participate in many types of sports. Foreign students of the University of Groningen who would like to participate in sports can purchase an ACLO sport card registration on their student card after showing their student card at the information desk of the ACLO.

Groningen has an enormous variety of restaurants. You have a choice of Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Greek, Indonesian, and Indian restaurants, to name but a few. There is also the possibility to dine in many cafes, where meals are served for a relatively low price (about € 10).

Last modified:25 July 2024 2.52 p.m.