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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Support Hora Finita support


Frequented asked questions:

How do I login to Hora Finita (UG, UMCG employees)?


To log in to Hora Finita, you need a working employee number (p-number). The employee number is provided to all the employees of UG or UMCG and is managed by CIT.

Registration of PhD students from other faculties is done by the graduate schools.

To complete the access to Hora Finita you need a Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). The authentication is done either via a separate device (a physical security token) or via an app on your smartphone (e.g. Google Authenticator). For questions about MFA you can contact CIT.

Set up MFA via For questions about MFA, please contact CIT :

  • CIT's phone number is 050 363 3232.
  • The mail address is: citservicedesk

How do I login to Hora Finita as external user (without p-number)?

External users of Hora Finita

External users of Hora Finita, without a p-number (e.g. with e-number, or with u-number), can login to Hora Finita using the Inloggen zonder p-nummer/ Login without p-number option.


Logon with E-number, or U-number, and password.


A 6-digit code is sent to your e-mail address. You must fill it in.


Note: External users of Hora Finita who already have access to Hora Finita at another university in the Netherlands: The Hora Finita environment of the UG is different from the one of the other Dutch universities. You must log in with separate log-in data.

I am a member of the assessment committee. How can I login into Hora Finita?

You will receive an email containing a link to the assessment form. On that page, you have to retrieve a security code by clicking on the 'Request code by e-mail' button. You will receive the code in your email.


Below this button, a field appears where you can enter the code you received.

decorative image

What is Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)? When do I need that?

Multi Factor Authentication is required when logging in at both the UG and the UMCG websites. The authentication is done either via a separate device (a physical security token), or via an app on your smartphone (e.g. Google Authenticator). For questions about MFA you can contact CIT.

Which web browser do I need to use Hora Finita?

To access Hora Finita, we recommend using the latest version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • If Hora Finita is not working properly, or logging into Hora Finita does not work, or you cannot see some of the information:
  • Try logging in with a different web browser than the one you were using previously.
  • Or try logging in with the incognito/private version of the current web browser.
  • If not successful, contact the CIT (citservicedesk And state which attempts have been tried before.

I am a PhD student at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences. I am not registered in Hora Finita. What should I do?

You need to register yourself in Hora Finita.

I don't have an p-number, but I do have an account for Hora Finita (e-number). How can I login into Hora Finita?

You can log-in via Hora Finita using the option 'Login without p-number'.

log-in without p number

Use your e-number as a username.

log-in without p number

Didn't find an answer? Please contact the graduate school of your Faculty; they are the first point of contact concerning the PhD trajectory and Hora Finita.

Last modified:11 June 2024 4.29 p.m.
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