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University of Groningen Library More heritage Frans Hemsterhuis (1721-1790)


Frans Hemsterhuis (1721-1790)

For a long time, Hemsterhuis sank more or less into oblivion. But recent decades have seen a revival of interest in this man, undeniably the most influential philosopher from the 18th-century Dutch Republic.

There is a printed edition of his collected work, in modern French and with a Dutch translation: Frans Hemsterhuis, Wijsgerige werken. Uitgegeven, ingeleid en van een commentaar voorzien door M.J. Petry (Budel: Damon/Leeuwarden: Fryske Akademy, 2001).

At Brill Publishers, the book is in Open Access available as ebook:

The Oeuvres Philosophiques include the following texts written by Hemsterhuis, together with a contemporary German translation, Vermischte philosophische Schriften:

For a bibliography of secondary literature, see:

  • Jacob van Sluis, Bibliotheca Hemsterhusiana. Het boekenbezit van Tiberius en Frans Hemsterhuis, met genealogie en bibliografie
    (Budel: Damon/Leeuwarden: Fryske Akademy, 2001), pp. 276-296.

The printed editions of the work of Hemsterhuis have been prepared by Jacob van Sluis, philosophy reference librarian at the University Library.

Last modified:23 December 2022 3.43 p.m.
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