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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Collections Special Collections Collections

Archive Lolle Wibe Nauta

Description of the collection archive Lolle Wibe Nauta

Brief overview

Name of the archive: Archive Lolle Wibe Nauta

Provenance: Nauta, Lolle Wibe (1929-2006)

Dated: 1947-2006

Size: 5m

Language of the materials: Multiple languages


Scientific archive of Lolle Wibe Nauta (1929-2006), philosopher

Collection number: UBG040

Institute: University Library Groningen

Retainer: University Library Groningen

Provenance and acquisition


Lolle Wibe Nauta (Sneek, 9 February 1929 – Groningen, 11 September 2006) was a Dutch philosopher and political ideologist for the PvdA (Labour) Party.

Nauta studied theology, philosophy and sociology in Groningen and Göttingen as well as visiting other universities during his time as a student. He wrote his dissertation on Albert Camus and was professor of the philosophy of science and social philosophy at the University of Groningen from 1971 until his retirement in 1994. Between 1979 and 1982 he also worked as a professor of philosophy at the University of Zambia, Lukasa. His work rejected the idea of comprehensive philosophical systems, instead choosing to see philosophy as a dynamic and ever-changing field, going from one discipline to the next. He pinpointed Descartes as the first philosopher to engage in this “fluidity”, because Descartes connected philosophy to the natural sciences.

In his younger years, Nauta studied under the guidance of philosophical anthropologist Helmuth Plessner, who shared Nauta’s fascination for the concept and definition of the human being. He would later name Plessner his most inspirational teacher.

Nauta was also active as a politician and oftentimes took part in public debates. In the seventies, he referred to himself as a Marxist, but later he disavowed this label, citing that Marx’s economic theories were outdated. Nauta was known for his work within the PvdA (a Dutch Social-Democratic Party). He reworked the ideology of the party and was an avid partaker in political and sociological discussions. After the rise of Wim Kok, Nauta found that the PvdA lacked vision. During the 1950’s, Nauta worked for RON, a local broadcaster that has now developed into Omrop Fryslân. Nauta was also the brother of former staatssecretaris (vice-minister) Dieuwke de Graff-Nauta, who was a member of the CDA (Christian Democrats).

In 1994, Nauta served as the honorary supervisor for Rudy Kousbroek, who was receiving a honourary doctorate from the University of Groningen.


The collection was gifted to the University Library by Nauta’s heirs.

Future additions

No future additions are expected.

Contents and collation

This archive contains letters, manuscript and printed materials, lecture notes, personal items and pictures.

Instructions for users of the archive


The collection is accessible for research purposes. To look at the collection, a University Library Access Pass is required.

Limitations to use

The materials in this collection are available for viewing only. They cannot be borrowed. When consulting this collection, the rules set out in the Reglement voor de gebruikers van de Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen apply. Reproductions, insofar as they are allowed are to be made in line with the rules set out in the Tarieven en diensten Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

As the owners of the archive, the University Library Groningen holds the rights to publish (parts of) the archive.

Accessing the collection

An inventory of the collection is available.


When referencing (materials from) this archive, the following information must be provided in full at least once. After this, an abbreviated citation suffices.

  • Archive: University Library Groningen, Archive Lolle Wibe Nauta
  • Individual items: Groningen, UB, Nauta [number]


Materials from this archive can be requested through the online library catalogue Smartcat or by sending an email to the Special Collections Department.

Last modified:17 May 2023 10.30 a.m.
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