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Research GBB Research Associated Research Programs

Local Associated Research Affiliations

Centre for Synthetic Biology

The Centre for Synthetic Biology (CSB) incorporates advanced knowledge in molecular biology, bioinformatics, molecular chemistry, physics and engineering to create new functions and materials. Engineering principles are applied to (re)design and build bio-inspired devices, ranging from diagnostic sensors to sophisticated drug delivery systems to cell-based chemical conversion factories. Besides foundational research on biologically complex systems, the CSB aims to develop new educational programs to train the next generation of students into ‘biological engineers’ and to establish an innovation network with industrial partners.

Founding institutes at the University of Groningen are the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute, the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, and the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials.

Top Research School and National Research Centre Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials

Mission statement:

·         To attain a position as an internationally recognized, leading, materials research and training institute

·         To conduct research addressing fundamental questions in the fields of functional materials  

·         To optimize the synergy and knowledge transfer between the sub-disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology

·         To educate a new generation of researchers in a cross-disciplinary approach to better prepare the graduates for the diversity and quality of skills needed in society.  

Principal GBB scientists involved in Thrust I: Molecular Bio-Organic Materials: Design, Construction and Control: Prof.dr. B. Poolman (Membrane Enzymology), Prof.dr. A.J.M. Driessen (Molecular Microbiology), and Prof.dr. S.J. Marrink (Molecular Dynamics and NMR).

National Research Centre Systems Biology on Energy Metabolism and Ageing

Researchers from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Engineering will establish a so-called NWO Research Centre for Systems Biology for a research program that focuses on link between energy metabolism and ageing.

In systems biology, theoretical and experimental biologists develop computer models of biological networks. At centre the medical researchers will work on computer models of the relationship between fat metabolism and ageing in mice, while system biologists, of which several from GBB, will study the link between ageing and energy metabolism in yeast cells. The knowledge acquired via these yeast cells and mice will then be linked to findings from the LifeLines study of the UMCG.

Principal GBB scientists: Prof.dr. M. Heinemann (Molecular Systems Biology), Prof.dr. B. Poolman (Membrane Enzymology), Prof.dr. I.J. van der Klei (Molecular Cell Biology)

Groningen Bioinformatics Centre

The Groningen Bioinformatics Centre (GBIC) is an inter-facultary institute headed by Prof.dr. R.C. Jansen, in which GBB, the Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE), the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) and the Johan Bernoulli Institute (Mathematics and Computing Science) participate. The mission of GBIC is to carry out research in bioinformatics, with emphasis on subjects relevant to important areas of life sciences, computer sciences, and in collaboration with genomics groups of the University of Groningen and elsewhere. The GBIC follows a ‘systems biology’ approach, aiming at integrative analysis of large amounts of heterogeneous genetic and genomic information. The research programme of the GBIC concentrates on the development of novel analytical concepts, methods and models for the purpose of unraveling complex characters, fully exploiting modern statistical and mathematical modeling tools. In addition the GBIC leads the Genomics Coordination Centre (insert hyperlink: for management of rapidly increasing data sets and software application. For further information consult the GBIC website.  

Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen (ESRIG)

ESRIG performs energy and sustainability research in a balanced way, with both experimental and model studies, as well as studies into their societal interaction and relevance. Sustainable chemistry as well as research on bio-based chemical/materials and biofuels at GBB in part matches the research interests of ESRIG to set-up collaborative studies.


Within the Groningen Intitiative for Bio-Based Chemicals and Materials various principle investigators of the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, the Institute for Technology and Management, Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen, and GBB joined forces to develop strategies to further extend research and education in the area of Bio-Based Economy (BBE). As part of this initiative BioBRUG has been developed with the aim to bridge the knowledge gap between science and application/valorisation. In BioBRUG scientists, students and SMEs with keen interests in the BBE will collaborate openly to discuss opportunities to better exploit knowledge that is present at the Faculty of Science and Engineering or vice versa to execute demand-oriented, generally strategic or challenging, research.

Associated GBB scientists and staff: Prof.dr. D.B. Janssen, Prof.dr. L. Dijkhuizen, Prof.dr. B. Poolman, Prof.dr. O.P. Kuipers, Prof.dr. A.J.M. Driessen, Prof.dr. R.A.L. Bovenberg, Prof.dr. J.H. Kamerling, Dr. E.G. Vrieling

Last modified:14 February 2023 12.37 p.m.