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Museum Exhibitions Previous 2018 BEYOND THE LAB: the DIY Science Revolution

BEYOND THE LAB: the DIY Science Revolution

23 November 2018 – 14 April 2019

Science is done by scientists. Isn't it? The exhibition Beyond the Lab explores seven remarkable stories of people who are opening up research to everyone. The exhibition is an initiative of Sparks to show that people can participate in science and share responsibility for scientific research and innovation.

The DIY Science Revolution

A growing number of ‘do-it-yourself scientists’ around the world are busy hacking, experimenting and inventing, taking it out of professional labs . Equipped with low-cost sensors, smartphone apps and the ability to share information with communities online, these DIY science pioneers are challenging our ideas of who a scientist is and what science will look like in the future. From people who build their own medical devices to manage their diabetes, to community groups measuring pollution. Healthcare is being ‘hacked’ today like never before, opening up a new era of patient-driven innovation. From people experimenting on their bodies, to those inventing medical devices from scratch, patients are discovering radical new methods to manage their health and improve their lives. Do-it-yourself biology is a growing grassroots movement that puts genetics and molecular biology into the hands hackers and hobbyists in kitchens, basements, garages and community labs.

Art & Science
The potential of DIY science is vast, but where will it lead in the future? Three artworks have been produced in collaboration with Ars Electronica Futurelab in Linz, Austria. Over several months, artists Lucy McRae, Jakob and Lea Illera, and Anouk Wipprecht worked with curators and scientists to develop new work that explores the future of science as it moves beyond the lab and into our lives.

Minerva Academy

During the first week of the exhibition Minerva Academy will present art installations of their students which are based on the influence of technology on our behaviour and environment. These installations are the results of the Minor Intimate Technology by teachers Hermen Maat and Ingrid Nieboer.

And more…
Want to explore more or be a citizen scientist yourself? During the exhibition we organize talks, workshops and other activities around the theme DIY science. Keep up to date on the programme via the events calendar on this page or by our social media!

This exhibition is a project by Sparks in collaboration with the University of Groningen. Partners: Science LinX, University Museum, Pre University Academy, Minerva Academy and Studium Generale.

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