Charles Darwin's World. Man, Nature and Evolution
From 13 February 2009
Display of Darwin's life and discoveries. Also his five-year voyage on the Beagle. The exhibition is based on the collection of natural history of the University Museum.

Welcome to the world of Charles Darwin (1809-1882). The exhibition is about the life and work of the world's most famous natural scientist. Charles Darwin was born 200 years ago. His main work, On the origin of species by means of natural selection was published 150 years ago, in 1859. That's why 2009 has been acclaimed as the year of Darwin.
No other scientist left more personal documents than Charles Darwin. He used to preserve everything he had written down, from pieces of scrap paper to memorandum books. It seems he threw nothing away. Furthermore his complete correspondence of more than 14.500 letters was published.

The display focuses on Darwin's life in Great Britain, his five-year voyage aboard the HMS-vessel The Beagle, and his contribution to science: the much disputed evolutionary theory.
The exhibition is part of the 395th celebration of the University of Groningen. The Universitymuseum is one of the participants of 'the year of Darwin' in the Netherlands.
Last modified: | 13 August 2021 3.27 p.m. |