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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Publish ORCID


An ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor iD) is a unique and permanent identifier - a 16-digit number - for researchers. It distinguishes you from other researchers and connects you with your research publications and professional activities. An ORCID iD is free, easy to get and stays with you throughout your academic career.


Why an ORCID iD?

  • Avoid name confusion, increase visibility
    An ORCID iD helps you to link your unique identifier with your publications and research activities. An ORCID iD prevents confusion about author names and ensures you will get credit for your work. It benefits your visibility and impact.
  • International standard
    ORCID is growing fast as the international identifier for researchers. More and more journals and funders request or even require an ORCID iD if you send in your manuscript or grant application.
  • Save time
    Once you have an ORCID iD, you do not have to fill in your address, employment history and affiliation details over and over again when applying for grants or submitting a manuscript.
  • Open and transparent
    ORCID is an open, community-driven, non-profit organization. The identifier is universal and interoperable and it fits within the context of open science.
  • Privacy well protected
    Researchers own and control their own ORCID records. As a researcher you decide what to register, what to link to your iD and what organizations you allow access.
  • Not limited to a single institution
    You can take your ORCID iD with you throughout your academic career, even when you move from one university or research institute to another.

ORCID support: orcid | orcid
Last modified:23 January 2024 2.24 p.m.
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