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Career Services
Career Services Current

Upcoming Career Services Events

13 February 2017

Career Services has planned many events and activities for the next semester. Besides the workshops we have a seminar coming up and many employability experts will be visiting the I-Shop.

Open Hours with Job Agencies at the I-Shop

Members of our student pool are always present at the I-Shop to help you with questions about your career and to give advice on your motivation letter, CV and Linked-In page. Besides the student poolers we also host companies and job agencies to whom you can chat about your career prospects, as well as introduce you to their job offers. They are in the business of helping people to get jobs and know what they are talking about! Here’s an overview of the job agencies coming by:

Every 2nd Thursday of the Month: Adecco Group / Ajilon (13:00-18:00)
Every 3rd Thursday of the Month: Tempo Team (13:00-17:00)
Every 4th Thursday of the Month: Maandag (13:00-18:00)

Each job agency has a specialty in a certain work field. The Adecco Group/ Ajilon can give you information about job vacancies that are relevant for the higher-educated in every work field. Tempo Team can help you find the ideal side-job next to your studies. Maandag is an expert in jobs in the medical sector as well as education. They are all happy to chat with you about your career!

Seminar: Career Opportunities at the European Union

In collaboration with EU Careers the Career Services have organized a seminar ‘Career Opportunities at the European Union on 23-02-2017. You can join for FREE and get information on a career at the EU, possible EU traineeship opportunities, and the application procedure. You will also be able to take an prospective EU-employee computer test as well as talk to ex-trainee Albert Meijer and employee Stijn Ruyters from EPSO (official selection desk of the EU). The seminar takes place from 13:00-14:30 and you can apply through this link.

(Registration closes on 21-02-2017)

UniPartners Open Office

UniPartners is an academic consultancy firm that helps student gain experience in the workfield beyond university. UniPartners matches student to companies and gives them the chance to try and solve challenging problems of businesses while earning an attractive salary.

Every Tuesday you can find UniPartners at the I-Shop from 11:00-13:00. They are happy to chat with you about the possibilities and to tell you all about the companies they work with. They also have committees that you can join, which always looks good on your CV.

UniPartners Groningen.
UniPartners Groningen.

And more!

In the coming semester you will see us attend many more events and open days. Besides our own activities we also collaborate with other associations, faculties, specific studies and groups in organizing all sorts of events that can help you boost your career. You can always check out the calendar in our job database Career Connext to see what is happening.

Last modified:17 September 2021 08.49 a.m.

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