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In Retrospect

05 February 2016

NEXT had a busy first semester with multiple big events, for example the AB-InBev event in November. Besides these events, our daily routine also kept going.

A New Academic Year

For most of us this academic year started in September. For NEXT however, the preparations for this year started around June with the applications for the new student poolers. 10 new student poolers now strengthen the team. By the end of august there were some training days scheduled so these new poolers would be ready to go to work in de University Library to check your CV’s and motivational letters. Besides this daily routine of checking CV’s, NEXT has also been very busy organizing a lot of events.

Falling Walls Lab

October 16th was the first major day for NEXT, it was the day the Falling Walls event took place. Falling Walls is an international competition for young innovators under 35 years of age who pitched their pioneering ideas in the field of science, business, and politics. The qualifying rounds for this final competition took place in Los Angeles, Moscow, Beijing, Zurich, Edinburgh and Groningen. A distinguished jury made up of representatives from academia, the industry and policy-making selected the three most intriguing presentations. The winner of this year’s Falling Walls Lab in Groningen was Lorenzo Massimo Polgar, with his idea for a new way of recycling rubber. He believes that the use of reversible connections can help form an elastic rubber network, by which it will be made possible to reuse rubber materials for new applications. Together with number two, Julius Schoning, who intended to give common maps a human flavor – an emotional color by creating a world map layer displaying the emotions people experience in certain places – they got sent to the exciting finale in Berlin. In this finale there were 100 participants from all over the world who presented their breakthrough ideas again in pitches lasting no longer than 3 minutes.

AB-InBev Event

After the hectic period during the Falling Walls Lab, it was time to dive into another big event which took place on November 26th. In collaboration with Integrand Groningen, NEXT organized the AB-InBev event in the Academy Building in Groningen. Over 70 students came to this event where two trainees of the company talked about working for the biggest beer brewery of the world. They told them everything about the process of becoming a trainee at AB- InBev and gave some really good insights about the company itself. Besides a presentation of those two trainees there was a network lunch and a business case in de afternoon session of that day which was only for the 50 students who had been selected based on their CV’s. Those students were asked to develop a new marketing plan for a new brand of beer for AB-Inbev. The day ended with network drinks in the Pintelier in Groningen. It really was a successful day.

Daily Routine

Besides all these big events our daily routine never stops. The office in the library has been busy with students who would like their CV’s and/or motivational letters checked and all of the regular workshops are crowdedly visited. If you want to subscribe for one of our LinkedIn workshops or if you would like to receive CV tips and tricks, don’t hesitate to subscribe for one of our workshops.

Last modified:29 November 2019 4.24 p.m.

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