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Results for tag: cultural geography

Beeld van Cornelis Lely op de Afsluitdijk (Foto: Rijkswaterstaat)

In Holwerd aan Zee is de nieuwe Lely opgestaan

Date:07 May 2019
Author:Tialda Haartsen
Al vanaf 2013 hoorde ik regelmatig over dit innovatieve plan. En net als eerder werd ik opnieuw laaiend enthousiast. In de eerste plaats omdat het nieuwe levendigheid en ontwikkelkansen voor het krimpende Holwerd kan opleveren. Maar vooral omdat Holwerd aan Zee het indrukwekkendste bottom up burgerinitiatief is dat ik ken.
Young Rural Stayers

Impact award 2019: Research communication about young regional stayers

Date:07 March 2019
Author:Eva Maersk

In recent years Europe has seen an increase in research grants which requires societal impact and research communication in the applications for funding. The ACCOMPLISSH-project under Sustainable Society at University of Groningen has been the number one...

The Noorderplantsoen park in Groningen as an important space of encounter, image by Roberta Rutigliano

Everyday places of belonging

Date:10 October 2018
Author:Rik Huizinga

“Did you see my neighbour? He is always sitting in front of this door. He is so nice, because he always asks me how I feel and if I need something (…) my mother doesn’t speak English or Dutch, but he always greets her or waves at her. I like that, that is...

cultural magnets in the landscape

The image of a place

Date:24 November 2017
Author:L.G. Horlings

This inspiring event was organized in ‘Holwerd at sea’ by the Knowledge Network Northern Space and the national knowledge institute cultural education and amateur art. More than 140 people attended the event.

Governing for Resilience in Vulnerable Places

“Governing for Resilience in Vulnerable Places”*: a new book by Elen-Maarja Trell, Britta Restemeyer, Melanie Bakema, Bettina van Hoven

Date:06 October 2017
Author:Elen-Maarja Trell, Britta Restemeyer, Melanie M. Bakema, Bettina van Hoven