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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Education

Admission and requirements

Guidelines for applications and admission may be found via the homepage of the Graduate School for the Humanities. If applicable, further requirements will be specified in the announcements of available positions.

ICOG welcomes PhD candidates who are passionate about their research, and who have genuine curiosity, analytical capacities, and an open mind. PhDs are eager to develop themselves, and become scholars with a deep commitment to core values of scholarship in the Humanities – erudition, thoroughness, critical sense, and intellectual honesty, among others. They are students who are strongly dedicated also to help protect and foster such epistemic and ethical values in our current times and societies. We also expect our PhD candidates to be committed to constructive cooperation and to bridging in productive ways cultural differences, including differences in scholarship traditions.

Last modified:27 October 2022 10.39 a.m.