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Research GELIFES Competence Centres

Competence Centres

GELIFES has two competence centres, one for Sustainable Landscapes (SLCC) and one for Brain and Behaviour (BBCC). The competence centres aim to connect scientific research of GELIFES with societal institutions like industry, enterprises and governmental and non-governmental organizations. By raising research funds together with societal partners GELIFES can increase its research potential. For the details of the resulting research projects see the SLCC and BBCC pages.

GELIFES has chosen for a close connection between research and education. For the comptence centres this connection implies at the one hand to engage its students in societal aspects of research, together with societal partners. At the other hand it invites GELIFES to develop postacademic courses, aiming at academics (among which alumni) from the societal partners to renew their insights in new scientific developments.