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About us Faculty of Law International programmes LLM programmes 2025-2026 Testimonials

Ilze Zoldnere

Ilze Zoldnere (Photo: C.Brennan)
Ilze Zoldnere (Photo: C.Brennan)

I first came to Groningen on Erasmus exchange and immediately fell in love with the city. After returning to my home country, I knew that I wanted to return to Groningen to pursue my masters degree and chose the Energy and Climate Law LLM. I chose this programme because I have been interested in energy-related matters during my bachelor studies, and the programme seemed unique in offering in-depth knowledge for a very specific field of law. While studying, I enjoyed the lectures from true experts of their field, the friendly and informal atmosphere of the Faculty, the great University Library with all the necessary facilities, and of course having classes in the old and beautiful university buildings. I am absolutely fond of the architecture of the city, with its very old doll-like buildings, and likewise, the young population and lively atmosphere. It is so easy to get everywhere with your bicycle and there are very nice parks where you can relax during your studies. I have the feeling that after graduating I will have a lot of opportunities, and currently I have a chance to do a rather tempting internship with the European Commission. I hope that this is just the beginning.

Ilze Zoldnere, Latvia, LLM in Energy and Climate Law graduate


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Last modified:17 April 2024 4.10 p.m.