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Lunch lecture: Climate change (in English)

When:We 26-02-2020 12:00 - 13:00
Where:Universiteitsmuseum Groningen, Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 7a

Prof.dr. Harro Meijer, Faculty of Science and Engineering. Expert in the field of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and isotope physics.

Many different views and alternative facts on climate change in the media. But what are the real facts? What does science tell us? And how urgent will climate change be? Following our exhibition on Spitsbergen 79 with a special climate room (only to be seen until 1 March), we are organizing a lunch lecture about this very topical subject.

climate change iceberg

It is now clear that climate has become warmer in the past decades. And it is also "highly likely" (IPCC) that this warming is caused primarily by the increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration, which enhances the natural greenhouse effect. And that increase, in its turn, is caused by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas).

But: how does the greenhouse effect actually work? And how much is caused by human activities? And what do we observe? And, finally: what will be the future? In this interesting lunch lecture Harro Meijer, expert on isotope research, examines the science behind climate change. He will clarify this topic for you to get to know all the real facts!

Bring your own lunch and enjoy this lecture. The lecture is free.

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