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Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business Events Conferences

Photos 1st Healthwise Lustrum Conference

Centre of Expertise Healthwise celebrated her fifth birthday with the 1st Healthwise Lustrum Conference, on 3 April 2018. We organised this conference in close cooperation with Healthy Aging Network Northern Netherlands (HANNN), Rabobank, Municipality of Groningen, Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health and SOM Research Institute.

Get an impression of the conference by looking through the photos below!
You can also view the PowerPoint presentations of the speakers or watch the video of the conference.

Photographer: Sieta Stel

At the registration desk
At the registration desk
Prof. dr. Herman de Jong (Dean Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen)
Prof. dr. Herman de Jong (Dean Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen)
Peter den Oudsten (Mayor of Groningen)
Peter den Oudsten (Mayor of Groningen)
Prof. dr. ir. Kees Ahaus (Director Centre of Expertise Healthwise)
Prof. dr. ir. Kees Ahaus (Director Centre of Expertise Healthwise)
Michel Poulain (Professor Emeritus & first to discover Blue Zones)
Michel Poulain (Professor Emeritus & first to discover Blue Zones)
Michel Poulain (Professor Emeritus & first to discover Blue Zones)
Michel Poulain (Professor Emeritus & first to discover Blue Zones)
Jan Dirk Gardenier (Director and owner of Research and Consultancy Bureau CAB)
Jan Dirk Gardenier (Director and owner of Research and Consultancy Bureau CAB)
Prof. dr. Koen Lemmink (Professor Sports, Performance and Innovation & Head of Center Human Movement Sciences, University of Groningen)
Prof. dr. Koen Lemmink (Professor Sports, Performance and Innovation & Head of Center Human Movement Sciences, University of Groningen)
Prof. dr. Gerjan Navis (Professor Nefrology, University Medical Center Groningen)
Prof. dr. Gerjan Navis (Professor Nefrology, University Medical Center Groningen)
Coen van de Steeg (Founder of WeHelpen)
Coen van de Steeg (Founder of WeHelpen)
Dr. Katherine Stroebe (Associate Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen)
Dr. Katherine Stroebe (Associate Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen)
Prof. dr. Cor Wagenaar (Honorary professor Health and the City, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen)
Prof. dr. Cor Wagenaar (Honorary professor Health and the City, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen)
Workshop on physical activity
Workshop on physical activity
Prof. dr. ir. Koert van Ittersum (Professor in Marketing and Consumer Well-Being & Mgmt. Centre of Expertise Healthwise, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen)
Prof. dr. ir. Koert van Ittersum (Professor in Marketing and Consumer Well-Being & Mgmt. Centre of Expertise Healthwise, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen)
Alderman Mattias Gijsbertsen
Alderman Mattias Gijsbertsen
Plenary discussion
Plenary discussion
Jeroen Pronk (Manager Leefkracht, Menzis)
Jeroen Pronk (Manager Leefkracht, Menzis)
Dr. Jochen Mierau (Scientific Director Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health) & Janine Vos (HR Director, Rabobank)
Dr. Jochen Mierau (Scientific Director Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health) & Janine Vos (HR Director, Rabobank)

More information about the content of the conference?

> See a description of the full programme
> Find the PowerPoint-presentations of the speakers
> View the video of the conference

Laatst gewijzigd:09 april 2020 16:14
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