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Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijskunde
Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business
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Looking back: the spring symposium

Datum:28 juli 2016
"my health, my responsibility: with a little help from... "
"my health, my responsibility: with a little help from... "

Expertisecentrum Healthwise and the UMCG are looking back to a very successful spring symposium about "my health, my responsibility: with a little help from... " that took place on May 20.

On May 20 Healthwise and the UMCG organised their joint symposium "My health, my responsibility: with a little help from..". The keynote speaker was Gerda Feunekes, director of 'het Voedingscentrum'. The workshops were themed "with a little help from care providers; the minicipality; business; and technology.

The symposium was wrapped up by a debate about the theme 'Their health, their responsibility?'. With 100 persons interested we are looking back to a successful afternoon!

> read the full recap (report, presentations and photos) 

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