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Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business
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Jana Holthöwer with service robot Pepper, Photo: Reyer Boxem

Robots to the rescue? Shaping customer’s service experiences

Datum:07 oktober 2024
How can consumers be more accepting, satisfied of and compliant with service robots in frontline service settings, such as retail and even healthcare? This is the question Jana Holthöwer focused on in her PhD research. A relevant topic in this day and age of staff shortages. Holthöwer stresses that it is important to understand how robot characteristics and contextual factors can influence the service experience to be able to ensure a successful integration of service robots the health realm. This is at the core of her research and dissertation. With her work, she enriches our understanding of the integration of service robots in the healthcare sector.
Koert van Ittersum introduces Elena Agachi

Succesful E-healthy lifestyle symposium

Datum:10 juli 2024
We had a fantastic turnout at the E-healthy lifestyle symposium on July 8th at the House of Connections! The event was organized to honor the promotion of Elena Agachi and to discuss the costs, benefits, and responsibilities associated with eHealthy lifestyles.
Elena Agachi, PhD candidate

Uncovering the potential of online preventive health programs

Datum:21 juni 2024
PhD candidate Elena Agachi studied the potential of online preventive health programs. Her project was a cooperation between the University of Groningen and health insurance company Menzis. Elena’s research was centred around the lifestyle program SamenGezond, analyzing real world data on activities in the program, as well as healthcare costs. The project’s findings demonstrate the potential of online preventive programs to improve individual health, supporting the transition from reactive healthcare to proactive well-being.
Hoe maken consumenten keuzes in de supermarkt?

Hoe kunnen supermarkten consumenten stimuleren om gezondere en duurzamere keuzes te maken?

Datum:22 mei 2024
Hoe kan je supermarktklanten verleiden tot het maken van gezondere en duurzamere keuzes? Daar hebben onderzoekers van het Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business (CPHEB) van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) in samenwerking met Wageningen University & Research (WUR) de afgelopen vijf jaar onderzoek naar gedaan. Ze ontdekten onder andere dat supermarktklanten best gezondere keuzes willen maken, maar terugdeinzen als ze het gevoel hebben betutteld te worden.
Professor of Services Marketing Jenny van Doorn with service robot Pepper, photo: Reyer Boxem

Human-robot service teams and power dynamics in healthcare

Datum:12 april 2024
It is predicted that within the next decade, around a third of current full-time occupations will be transformed into augmented services delivered by teams of humans and machines – and we already see this transition now, given that many of us are nowadays co-working with AI such as Chat GPT. Given the inevitable rise of human-robot teams, it is imperative to investigate how both the human client and the human co-worker can embrace human-robot teams, called cobotic teams. This is what Jenny van Doorn, Professor of Services Marketing, has set out to do in much of her research. An article on the unintended consequences of human-robot collaboration in healthcare services, that Van Doorn co-authored, was recently published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Blood samples

New study finds early life economic conditions impact risk of type-2 diabetes in adulthood

Datum:27 februari 2024
A new study by current and former FEB researchers Rob Alessie, Viola Angelini, Gerard van den Berg, Jochen Mierau and Gianmaria Niccodemi sheds light on the long-term health implications of economic conditions in early life. The study, titled "Using Data on Biomarkers and Siblings to Study Early-Life Economic Determinants of Type-2 Diabetes," finds a correlation between being born under adverse economic conditions and the onset of type-2 diabetes later in life.
well-being and automation workshops

Summaries well-being and automation workshops Groningen

Datum:12 juni 2023
We are happy to share the summary report of the interdisciplinary Automation Workshops organized by Femke Cnossen (FSS), Milena Nikolova (FEB) and Richard Rijnks (FSS) in April 2023.
Professor of Services Marketing Jenny van Doorn and service robot Pepper

Jenny van Doorn receives NWO grant for project on public service by teams of robots and humans

Datum:19 mei 2023

Professor of Services Marketing Jenny van Doorn has received a grant of € 400,000 from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for a project on public service by teams consisting of both robots and human employees.

Pitches during the Linelines - CPHEB meetup

Successful meetup between CPHEB and Lifelines

Datum:26 april 2023
The Centre of Public Health in Economics and Business (CPHEB) and Lifelines organized a meetup on the 20th of April at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) to introduce Lifelines to researchers at FEB, to guage interest in working with Lifelines data and to explore potential collaborations, between researchers at FEB and between FEB and Lifelines.
Photo by Luis Melendez on Unsplash

Eelko Huizingh: What kind of healthcare do we want?

Datum:27 januari 2023
With unchanged policy, healthcare will inevitably get stuck. The Dutch population is ageing and healthcare is becoming unaffordable. Steady as we go is not an option, we need to switch gears. Healthcare needs to innovate. But innovating can be done in many different ways, the question is which direction we want go as a society.
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