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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. T.L. (Talitha) Feenstra


HTA; gezondheidseconomie; gestratifeerde zorg/precision medicine; economische evaluaties; gezondheidseconomische simulatiemodellen; diabetes mellitus; geestelijke gezondheidszorg


Evaluating the Validation Process: Embracing Complexity and Transparency in Health Economic Modelling

Tailoring Type II Diabetes Treatment: Investigating the Effect of 5-HTT Polymorphisms on HbA1c Levels after Metformin Initiation

The Association between Deductibles and Cardiovascular Medication Adherence: A Retrospective Inception Cohort Study

A Meta-Regression Tool: Assessing the Relationship Between Risk Factors and Events Development

Comparative analysis of algorithm-guided treatment and predefined duration treatment programmes for depression: Exploring cost-effectiveness using routine care data

Cost-Effectiveness Models of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes: A Systematic Review on Methodology and Quality

Cost-Effectiveness of Four Tobacco Control Interventions in Mongolia

Cost-Effectiveness of SGLT2 Inhibitors in a Real-World Population: A MICADO Model-Based Analysis Using Routine Data from a GP Registry

Deprescribing proton pump inhibitors: Costs outweigh benefits. Most health gains can be achieved in younger populations: Bij jongere populatie is meeste gezondheidswinst te behalen

Early symptom change contributes to the outcome prediction of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression patients: A machine learning approach

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Leefstijlcoach kan hulp van zorggroep goed gebruiken

Kosten longziektes lopen op

Voorlichting het best, maar te duur

Hogere accijns tabak schrikt jongeren af

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