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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons T.A. (Thomas) Lowe, MSc


Challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A layered vulnerabilities perspective

The golden years?: Older adult mobility experiences and perceptions across the later life course in England

The past, present and future of health geography: An exchange with three long standing participants in the Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group

Care and rhythmanalysis: Using metastability to understand the routines of dementia care

Postgraduate Spotlights: Using a Community of Inquiry approach to enhance student engagement in geographical higher education

Remote Graphic Elicitation: A critical reflection on the emotional affordance and disruption management in caregiver research

The role of performativity in informal dementia carers' capability to be mobile

Beschouwingen over grafische elicitatie op afstand

Dupliek op de reacties op het artikel ‘Beschouwingen over grafische elicitatie op afstand’

Meaningful Mobility Project: Sharing our progress with participants

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Caring about Carers recruitment radio interview