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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. R.G. (Rob) Withagen


Affordances in a simple playscape: Are children attracted to challenging affordances?

Information without content: A Gibsonian reply to enactivists' worries

Visual illusions and direct perception: Elaborating on Gibson's insights

Designing stepping-stones landscapes: a 2D perspective does not lead to more standardization than an in-situ perspective

Review of Kinaesthesia in the psychology, philosophy and culture of human experience. Roger Smith, London, Routledge, 2023

Attractive Stepping Stones Landscapes: Preference for Stone Height Variation Appears to Be Age Independent

Productive pluralism: The coming of age of ecological psychology

The Field of Invitations

The social constitution of ecological psychology in the Netherlands

Affective Gibsonian Psychology

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