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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. P.M.A. Broens


The contribution of descending intramural nerves to regulation of anal sensibility: new insights for anorectal surgery

The Effect of a Temporary Stoma on Long-term Functional Outcomes Following Surgery for Rectal Cancer

The European Anorectal Malformation Network (ARM-Net) patient registry: 10-year review of clinical and surgical characteristics

The Severity of Fecal Problems Is Negatively Associated with Quality of Life in a Dutch Population Without Bowel Function Comorbidities

Anastomotic Height is a Valuable Indicator of Long-term Bowel Function Following Surgery for Rectal Cancer

A possible physiological mechanism of rectocele formation in women

Co-occurrence of fecal incontinence with constipation or irritable bowel syndrome indicates the need for personalized treatment

Development and validation of the Early Pediatric Groningen Defecation and Fecal Continence questionnaire

Diagnosing Mild Forms of Anorectal Malformation With Anorectal Manometry: A Prospective Study

Novel insights into physiological mechanisms underlying fecal continence

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Interview dr. Paul Broens - NVFB bulletin

Vraag en antwoord Paul Broens - Praktische Pediatrie