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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. P.H. (Rik) Smit


The multiplicities of platformed remembering

Between Liberation and Control: Mixing Methods to Investigate How Users Experience Menstrual Cycle Tracking Applications

Die Plattformisierung des Erinnerns

De herinneringspolitiek van digitale platformen

Moonwalking together: Tracing Redditors’ digital memory work on Michael Jackson

Connective Memory Work on Justice for Mike Brown

The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives. By Jen Schradie

Activating the past in the Ferguson protests: Memory work, digital activism and the politics of platforms

From Personal to Personalized Memory: Social Media as Mnemotechnology 

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Is de onafhankelijkheid van Wikipedia in gevaar?

YouTube komt met strengere regels rond intimidatie

Hét internet bestaat niet

Facebook onder vuur

Digitale herinneringen

Invloed traditionele nieuwsmedia online nog altijd heel groot

Facebook decides what we forget

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