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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. P.F. (Patrick) van Rheenen

Research interests

Pediatric gastroenterologist/Clinical Epidemiologist with a special interest in clinical research in Pediatrics in general and Gastroenterology and International Child Health in particular. 

Member of the Dutch Society of Pediatricians (NVK), Dutch Society of Gastroenterology (NVGE), Dutch working group Kids with Crohn’s and Colitis (KiCC), Paediatric IBD Porto Group (ESPGHAN) and the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO)


Early infliximab trough levels in paediatric IBD patients predict sustained remission

ECCO Guidelines on Extraintestinal Manifestations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Effects of interrupting the enterohepatic circulation in amatoxin intoxications

Infliximab in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease: External evaluation of population pharmacokinetic models

Obtaining first-line induction in autoimmune hepatitis: aren't we underestimating prednisolone?

Performance of Eight Infliximab Population Pharmacokinetic Models in a Cohort of Dutch Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Randomised clinical trial: First-line infliximab biosimilar is cost-effective compared to conventional treatment in paediatric Crohn's disease

ECCO Topical Review on Biological Treatment Cycles in Crohn's Disease

Fatigue and Physical Activity Patterns in Children With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Ferric carboxymaltose versus ferrous fumarate in anemic children with inflammatory bowel disease: the POPEYE randomized controlled clinical trial

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Home monitoring IBD now also available for adults

Poeptest thuis nu ook voor volwassenen met IBD

Poeptest met app bij chronische darmziekte

Mensen met darmziekte kunnen straks thuis hun poep testen

Poeptest met app bij chronische darmziekte

Zelfmanagement en thuismonitoring bij IBD

Telemonitoring bij IBD voor tieners waardevol alternatief voor polibezoek

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