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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. N.C. (Nienke) Jonker


The reward and punishment responsivity and motivation questionnaire (RPRM-Q): A stimulus-independent self-report measure of reward and punishment sensitivity that differentiates between responsivity and motivation

Hunger increases negative and decreases positive emotions in women with a healthy weight

Why Dieters Succeed or Fail: The Relationship Between Reward and Punishment Sensitivity and Restrained Eating and Dieting Success

Influence of hunger on attentional engagement with and disengagement from pictorial food cues in women with a healthy weight

Visual attention to food cues and the course of anorexia nervosa

Adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation skills are associated with food intake following a hunger-induced increase in negative emotions

Cognitive biases involving readiness to categorise food in terms of calorie content in anorexia nervosa

Replication studies in the Netherlands: Lessons learned and recommendations for funders, publishers and editors, and universities

Behavioral problems in anxious youth: Cross-sectional and prospective associations with reinforcement sensitivity and parental rejection

Punishment sensitivity and the persistence of anorexia nervosa: High punishment sensitivity is related to a less favorable course of anorexia nervosa

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Como a fome pode distorcer sua mente

Empty stomach increases negativity and stress

How hunger hijacks your brain and makes you eat more

How hunger can warp our minds

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