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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.E. (Martine) Maan

Research interests

  • Animal behaviour
  • Evolution of animal signals,
  • Sexual selection and mate choice
  • Sensory ecology
  • Phenotypic plasticity
  • Speciation
  • Biodiversity


Developmental and environmental plasticity in opsin gene expression in Lake Victoria cichlid fish

First record of Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis in the Northern Netherlands

Selection on visual opsin genes in diurnal Neotropical frogs and loss of the SWS2 opsin in poison frogs

Variation in parasite infection between replicates of speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish

Contribution of opsins and chromophores to cone pigment variation across populations of Lake Victoria cichlids

Lack of alignment across yeast-dependent life-history traits may limit Drosophila melanogaster dietary specialization

The importance of being plastic: Evolutionary and ecological correlates of phenotypic plasticity

Visual system plasticity is differently mediated by cone opsin expression and chromophore composition in closely related cichlid species

Four new species of Cichlidogyrus (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) from Lake Victoria haplochromine cichlid fishes, with the redescription of C. bifurcatus and C. longipenis

Habitat segregation of plate phenotypes in a rapidly expanding population of three‐spined stickleback

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