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Assessment of clinical competence of graduating medical students and associated factors in Ethiopia

Comparing intraprofessional and interprofessional workplace learning: Similar or not?

EPIS-RI: Indonesian translation, cultural adaptation and construct validation of an interprofessional identity measure

Interprofessional education for healthcare professionals. A BEME realist review of what works, why, for whom and in what circumstances in undergraduate health sciences education: BEME Guide No. 83

Applicability of working abroad for physicians with a specialization in Global Health and Tropical Medicine

International Health Electives: defining learning outcomes for a unique experience

Publisher Correction: Applicability of working abroad for physicians with a specialization in global health and tropical medicine

Assessment of core teaching competency of health professional educators in Ethiopia: an institution-based cross-sectional study

From islander to team player: How to make professional silos more fluid

Investigating feasibility of 2021 WHO protocol for cervical cancer screening in underscreened populations: PREvention and SCReening Innovation Project Toward Elimination of Cervical Cancer (PRESCRIP-TEC)

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