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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L.I.M. (Lonneke) Lenferink


Associations of Dimensions of Anger With Distress Following Traumatic Bereavement

Grief and delivering a statement in court: a longitudinal mixed-method study among homicidally bereaved people

Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish Traumatic Grief Inventory Self-Report Plus (TGI-SR+) in bereaved parents

Assessing DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder in children and adolescents: development of the Traumatic Grief Inventory - Kids - Clinician-Administered

Co-occurrence of approach and avoidance in prolonged grief: a latent class analysis

Data sharing and re-use in the traumatic stress field: An international survey of trauma researchers

Distinguishing prolonged grief and well-being in the context of a criminal trial: A longitudinal factor analytic study among homicidally bereaved people

DSM-5-TR prolonged grief disorder levels after natural, COVID-19, and unnatural loss during the COVID-19 pandemic

Editorial: Consequences and aftercare of a traumatic loss of a loved one

Erratum: Opportunities for improving data sharing and FAIR data practices to advance global mental health-Corrigendum

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Rouwmeter helpt nabestaanden in keuze voor wel of geen professionele hulp

Interview Vakblad Uitvaart 11/2020 'Increased risk of a grief disorder due to corona'

Biddinghuizer Joop de Jager schrijft boek over vermissingen

Algemeen Dagblad: Hoe rouw je in tijden van corona? [How to grieve in times of COVID?]

Meld je aan voor online rouwverwerking bij overlijden in coronatijd

Regional magazine "Online grief treatment after death of loved one in pandemic"

Radio 1: Online rouwen tijdens pandemie [Grieving online during pandemic]

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