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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. K. van Kammen


Cardiorespiratory fitness in persons with lower limb amputation

Quality of life, functioning and participation of adult patients with an amputation following complex regional pain syndrome I or brachial plexus injury: a scoping review protocol

Technique selection in transfemoral amputation surgery: an interview study among surgeons

Cardiorespiratory fitness interventions for individuals with lower limb amputation: a scoping review

Amplitude and stride-to-stride variability of muscle activity during Lokomat guided walking and treadmill walking in children with cerebral palsy

Lokomat guided gait in hemiparetic stroke patients: the effects of training parameters on muscle activity and temporal symmetry

Neuromuscular control of Lokomat guided gait: evaluation of training parameters

The effect of asymmetric movement support on muscle activity during Lokomat guided gait in able-bodied individuals

Differences in muscle activity and temporal step parameters between Lokomat guided walking and treadmill walking in post-stroke hemiparetic patients and healthy walkers

The combined effects of guidance force, bodyweight support and gait speed on muscle activity during able-bodied walking in the Lokomat

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